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题目分析:A通缉 B辐射 蛛丝马迹 C人情世故。A。同音字、形似字、容易弄错的成语用字是高考字形题的常考内容,识记时可采用下面几种方法:1、语音辨识法。通过朗读词语,发现词中字的书写错误。当然这要求同学们平时就要读准字音,才能准确找出错别字。2、字形辨识法。在我国汉字中,形声字占了绝大多数,其形旁为我们领悟词义辨析字形提供了有利条件。3、语义辨识法。通过掌握、分析词语的意义来辨析用字是否正确。在理解词语含义的基础上去掌握字形,不容易出错。4、结构分析法。借助词语的结构特点来判断用字是否正确,或者说做到“字不离词”。 5、语境辨识法。借助词语语境来判断用字是否正确,特别是对同音词语,只有结合词语词境或词语组合,才能准确而有效地找到与之相匹配的字形。


Part 1

Questions 1-8

·Read the article below.
·Choose the best sentence from the list on the next page to fill each of the gaps.
·For each gap (1-8) mark one letter (A-H) on the Answer Sheet.
·Do not mark any letter twice.
Poll: Obama Seen As More Compassionate Than McCain
Just hours before the start of the second presidential debate, a new national survey suggests that Sen. Barack Obama is making gains among Americans as a compassionate candidate. (1)
In a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll out Tuesday afternoon, 55 percent of registered voters questioned say that Obama "cares more about people like you" than Sen. John McCain, with 35 percent saying McCain cares more than Obam
  • a. (2)
    "The all-time champion of town-hall debates was Bill Clinton because he was able to connect with the audience members so well," said CNN polling director Keating Holland. "Voters nationwide seem to feel some connection with Obama. (3) John McCain has a pretty good track record at town halls, and it’s possible that he will be the one who looks more compassionate."
    Obama also appears to be building a lead as the candidate with the clearer plan to solve the country’s problems. He has a 15-point lead over McCain on that question in the poll, 48 percent to 33 percent. (4)
    Obama is also making gains on being a p and decisive leader. A 19-point McCain advantage early last month has now shrunk to a 5-point lead. (5)
    "Voters agree with McCain that things are going well for the U.S. in lraq. That’s a switch since April, when we last asked that question," Holland said. (6)
    Among voters, Obama also leads on who would better handle the economy, 57 percent to 37 percent; a financial crisis, 53 percent to 36 percent; and health care, 60 percent to 33 percent. (7)
    Obama’s favorable rating among those questioned in the poll is 62 percent, down one percentage point from three weeks ago. (8) A. But on the question of who has the better experience to be president, McCain still has a big lead over his rival, 54 percent to 36 percent.B. That could be important in the debate in Nashville, which is a town hall-style meeting with the candidates fielding questions from undecided voters in the audience.C. The question is whether he’ll connect with the people at the debate tonight.D. That 20-point margin for Obama is up from a 9-point advantage a month ago.E. McCain’s favorable rating is 54 percent, down three points from three weeks ago.F. "But voters also agree with Obama that the war was a bad idea—and they haven’t changed their minds on that in almost four years."G. McCain leads on the issue of terrorism, 54 percent to 44 percent.H. Last month, McCain had a 2-point advantage over Obama on the topic of having a clearer plan.