问题 填空题

[说明] 本程序求3~100之间的所有素数(质数)并统计个数;同时将这些素数从小到大依次写入顺序文件E: \dataout.txt;素数的个数显示在窗体Form1上。 [Visual Basic 代码] Private Sub Command1_ Click ( ) Dim count as integer, flag as Boolean Dim t1 as Integer, t2 as Integer (1) Count=0 For t1=3 to 100 Flag=Tree For t2=2 to Int( Sqr ( t1 ) )If (2) Then flag=False Next t2 (3) count= (4) write #1, t1 End if Next t1 (5) Close #1End Sub


参考答案:(1) Open "e:\dataout.txt" For Output as #1 (2) t1 mod t2=0

解析:(3) If t2>Int (sqr(t1))Then (4) count +1 (5) Form1.Print "素数个数"; count
