问题 填空题

[说明] 用输入/输出写一个程序,让用户输入一些姓名和电话号码。每一个姓名和号码将加在文件里。用户通过点“Done”按钮来告诉系统整个列表已输入完毕。 如果用户输入完整的列表,程序将创建一个输出文件并显示或打印出来。格式如:555,1212,Tom 123-456-7890,Peggy L.234-5678,Marc 234-5678,Ron 876-4321,Beth&Brian,Jean-Marc。 [Java 代码] import java. io.*; class Phones { statlc FileOutputStream fos; public static final int lineLength =81; public static void main (String args []) throws IOExeption { byte [] phone=new byte [lineLength]; byte [] name=new byte [lineLength]; int i; try {fos= new FileOutputStream ("phone. numbers"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) while (true) {(1) ("Enter a name (enter ’done’ to quit)");(2) (name);if ("done". equalsIgnoteCase (new String (name,0,0,4))){ break;}System.err.println ("Enter the phone number");readLine (phone);for (int i=0;phone [i]!=0;i++) {(3) ; }fos.write (’,’);for (int i=0 (4) ;i++) {fos. write (name [i]); }fos. write (’\n’); }fos. close(); } private static void readLine (byte line []) throws IOException { int i=0,b=0; while ((i< (5) )&& ((b=System.in.read ())!=’\n’)) {line[i++] = ( byte ) b; }line[i]= ( byte ) 0; } }


参考答案:(1)System. err. println (2) readLine

解析:(3) fos. write(phone[i]) (4) name[i]!=0 (5) lineLength-1
