问题 多项选择题

【78-80资料】:某公司会计科稽核人员在审核会计凭证时,发现了以下情况:   ①销售科送来一张某联运公司开来的运输发票金额5万元,有销售科经办人员和科长的签字,但经初步核查,公司未发生该运输业务。   ②销售科送来一张广告费用发票,发票金额被更改,销售科经办人员解释是对方开错金额,他自行作了更改。   ③发现一张本公司开出的退货发票,原因是因质量不合格,产品被对方单位退回,货款已退回,但未见有关附件。   请根据上述材料,回答问题78-80

对事项①公司会计科的正确处理是( )。








Of all the areas of learning the most important is the development of attitudes. Emotional reactions as well as logical thought processes affect the behavior of most people.
"The burnt child fears the fire" is one instance ; another is the rise of despots like Hitler. Both examples also point up the fact that attitudes stem from experience. In one case the experience was direct and impressive; in the other it was indirect and cumulative. The Nazis were indoctrinated largely by the speeches they heard and the books they read.
The classroom teacher in the elementary school is in a strategic position to influence attitudes. This is true partly because children acquire attitudes from those adults whose word they respect.

The author implies that ______.
A. the teacher should guide all discussions by revealing her own attitude
B. in some aspects of social studies a greater variety of methods can be used in the upper grades than in the lower grades
C. people usually act on the basis of reasoning rather than emotion
D. children’s attitudes often come from those of other children

Another reason it is true is that pupils often delve somewhat deeply into a subject in school that has only been touched upon at home or has possibly never occurred to them before. To a child who had previously acquired little knowledge of Mexico, his teacher’s method of handling such a unit would greatly affect his attitude toward Mexicans.
The media through which the teacher can develop wholesome attitudes are innumerable. Social studies (with special reference to races, creeds and nationalities) , science matters of health and safety, the very atmosphere of the classroom... these are a few of the fertile fields for the inculcation of proper emotional reactions.
However. when children come to school with undesirable attitudes, it is unwise for the teacher to attempt to change their feelings by cajoling or scolding them. She can achieve the proper effect by helping them obtain constructive experiences.
To illustrate, first grade pupils afraid of policemen will probably alter their attitudes after a classroom chat with the neighborhood officer in which he explains how he protects them. In the same way, a class of older children can develop attitudes through discussion, research, outside reading and all-day trips.
Finally, a teacher must constantly evaluate her own attitudes, because her influence can be deleterious if she has personal prejudices. This is especially true in respect to controversial issues and questions on which children should be encouraged to reach their own decisions as a result of objective analysis of all the facts.