问题 填空题



1. Coming top in such an important exam is quite an a_____.

2. The ship is in no c_____ to make a long voyage.

3. Their b_____ towards me shows that they do not like me.

4. He was under o_____ by the police.

5. We’d better take time and money into c_____ when making the plan.

6. He is always _____ (谦逊的) about his success.

7. Genius is 10% _____ (灵感) and 90% perspiration.

8. The workers are on _____ (罢工) for higher pay.

9. I was _____ (资助) by my parents when I was studying at collage.

10. We have been told to show _____ (尊敬) for our elders.

11. As a student, all her life is _____ (奉献) her students.

12. This settlement _____ (成立) in 1600.

13. Do you _____ (了解) Jack getting arrested?

14. You need warm clothes to _____ (保护) you against the cold.

15. I was _____ (驱逐) the club because of breaking the rule.

16. The lost child was seen _____ (闲逛) last afternoon.

17. Tom, the top student of our class, thinks studying is a very _____ (值得的) work.

18. With the Internet, people can _____ (交流) each other much easier.

19. He _____ (瞧不起) people who've never been to university.

20. I know the writer who _____ ( 打算) work _____ children.


1. achievement           2. condition           3. behavior                4. observation           5. consideration

6. modest                  7. inspiration          8. strike                     9. supported            10. respect   

11.devoted to          12. was founded    13. know about          14. protect                15. driven out of      

16. wandering  off    17. worthwhile     18. communicate with  19. looks down upon/ on   20. intends  for


甲、乙、丙三人协商达成一书面合伙协议,约定各自出资1万元,成立一家小百货商店,并按出资比例平均分配盈余,分担亏损。该商店起字号为"兴旺商店"。2000年1月经核准注册,取得营业执照。到2000年6月为止,因经营管理不善,该商店负债累累,欠百货批发公司4万元钱未偿还。此时,甲便提出退伙,乙、丙二人不同意,甲便提走其出资1万元,径行退出。兴旺商店由乙、丙二人继续经营。8月,兴旺商店欲购进一批新式洗涤用品,但货款不足,乙、丙便向丁提出借款2万元,丁同意借款,但提出一条件,即若这批洗涤用品赚钱后,乙、丙二人除还本付息外,还须将所得利润分与其一份;若不赚钱,乙、丙二人须届时还本付息。洗涤用品进货后,因质量低劣、销路不畅,造成亏损5000元。2001年1月,百货批发公司因向兴旺商店索债不成.便诉至法院;同时,丁也因乙、丙二人不能还本付息而向法院起诉,法院合并审理。被告乙认为欠百货批发公司的钱是三人所欠,按合伙协议,他对外只承担1/3的债务;被告甲认为,自己已于 2000年6月退伙,故所欠全部债务应由乙、丙二人承担;被告丙认为,甲不经乙、丙二人同意,擅自退伙无效,故经营洗涤用品的亏损,甲也应承担;而法院在审理此案中有一种意见认为原告丁名为借款给乙、丙,实际上他约定参与洗涤用品的盈余分配,故丁与乙、丙之间应为一种合伙关系,所以对这批货物的亏损,丁也应承担责任。


单项选择题 A1型题