问题 阅读理解与欣赏













1950年,他写出《汉魏之际社会经济的变化》一文,与毛 * * 所倡导的“封建制度自周秦以来一直延续了三千年左右”的论点相距甚远。尽管如此,他还是继续写出了《关于中国古代社会的几个问题》,正式提出“汉魏之际封建说”。

不久,史学界就开始了对魏晋之际封建社会说的批判。“ * * ”开始,何兹全被贴上“特务”和“反动学术权威”的标签。1970年,他被分配到临汾干校劳动两年。

经历了“ * * ”的风雨,何兹全不再与人争辩,埋头于自己的学问。1989年,标志他史学思想的集大成之作《中国古代社会》出版了。这部书的主旨思想,发端于北大求学期间,历经半个多世纪,终于得以呈现在世人面前。此时的何兹全已是须发皆白的老人。




小题1:下列对传记有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的两项是(5分)(  )




D.1950年,他写了一篇文章,与毛 * * 所倡导的论点相距甚远。后来,他不顾史学界对魏晋封建说的批判,还是继续写出了《关于中国古代社会的几个问题》。E.何先生静心研究学问,历经半个多世纪,终于完成《中国古代社会》这部他史学思想的集大成之作。




小题1:CD (选对一个得3分,选对两个得5分。)




题目分析:“筛选并整合文中的信息”包含两方面的要求,一是“筛选信息”,一是“整合信息”。 所谓“筛选信息”,就是按照考题设定的阅读目的对文章进行分析,凭借整体感知,经过辨别,快速准确地捕捉到命题所需要的有效信息。所谓“整合信息” 就是根据答题的要求,对筛选所得的信息作出正确的认知,把握各信息材料之间的关系,并能归纳综合,或者按照命题要求进行信息重组,形成准确的答案。分析可知:C.他的唯物主义历史观是从恩格斯等人那里学到的。D.事件先后顺序不对,先写了《关于中国古代社会的几个问题》,而后魏晋封建说受到批判。






Pupils at GCSE are to be allowed to abandon learning traditional "hard" science, including the meaning of the periodic table, in favour of "soft" science such as the benefits of genetic engineering and healthy eating. The statutory requirement for pupils to learn a science subject will be watered down under a new curriculum introduced next year. There will be no compulsion to master the periodic table—the basis of chemistry—nor basic scientific laws that have informed the work of all the great scientists such as Newton and Einstein. The changes, which the government believes will make science more "relevant" to the 21st century, have been attacked by scientists as a "dumbing down" of the subject. In June the government had to announce financial incentives to tackle a shortage of science teachers. Academics have estimated that a fifth of science lessons are taught by teachers who are not adequately qualified.
Most children now study for the double-award science GCSE, which embraces elements of biology, chemistry and physics. This GCSE will be scrapped and ministers have agreed that from next year all 14-years-old will be required to learn about the general benefits and risks of contemporary scientific developments, in a new science GCSE. A harder science GCSE will also be introduced as an optional course. One expert involved in devising the new system believes it will halve the number of state school pupils studying "hard" science. Independent schools and more talented pupils in the state sector are likely to shun the new papers in favour of the GCSEs in the individual science disciplines of physics, chemistry and biology. These will continue to require pupils to achieve an understanding of scientific principles.
The new exams were devised after proposals by academics at King’s College London, who told ministers that science lessons were often "dull and boring" and required pupils to recall too many facts. Their report said: "Contemporary analyses of the labour market suggest that our future society will need a larger number of individuals with a broader understanding of science both for their work and to enable them to participate as citizens in a democratic society. "
However, Professor Colin Blakemore, chief executive of the Medical Research Council, warned that reducing the "hard" science taught in schools would create problems. "I can understand the government’s motives," he said. "There is a crisis of public confidence in science which is reducing the progress of policy on such issues as nuclear energy and stem cell research. But sixth-formers are already arriving at university without the depth of knowledge required." Others endorse the new approach. Results at North Chadderton upper school in Oldham—one of 80 schools piloting the new "softer" GCSE, named Twenty first Century Science have improved. Martyn Overy, the head of science, said: "The proportion getting higher grades in science went up from 60% to 75%. The course kept their interest, had more project work and was more relevant. "
As part of their course, the pupils studied what kind of food they needed to keep fit and healthy. Critics say it is only marginally more demanding than following the advice of Nigella Lawson, the television chef, who promotes the benefits of eating proper meals instead of snacking from the fridge. Some science teachers are skeptical. Mo Afzal, head of science at the independent Warwick school, said. "These changes will widen the gap between independent and state schools. Even the GCSE that is designed for those going on to A-level science is not as comprehensive as the test it replaces." John Holman, director of the National Science Learning Centre at York University, who advised the government on the content of the new system, said: "The new exam is not dumbing down. The study of how science works is more of a challenge than rote learning. "





Periodic table______ The drugs debate______
Ionic equations______ Slimming issues______
Structure of the atom______ Smoking and health______
Boyle’s law______ IVF treatment______
Ohm’s law______ Nuclear controversy______

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage

A.The government had to use financial incentives to attract more science teachers.

B.Some of the secondary school science teachers are not adequately qualified.

C.The new science GCSE will include the benefits and risks of contemporary scientific developments.

D.A harder science GCSE will also be introduced as a compulsory course.
