问题 多项选择题

患者男性,32岁。因车祸伤及右头部3小时、呕吐2次、昏迷约10分钟就诊。现头痛、恶心。右鼻孔可见无色透明液体持续流出。查体:血压125/50mmHg,脉搏50次/分,呼吸12次/分。双侧视神经 * * 水肿。









参考答案:A, B, C, E


Don’t get mad--- get promoted

When it comes to succeeding at work, conventional wisdom says you should check your emotions at the door. But Anne Kreamer, the author of the new book It’s Always Personal, disagrees. “It reduces people’s ability to bring their best selves to their work,” she says. ___1___ Here’s how to turn your emotions into opportunities.


How to get promoted: Engage in joint(联合的)problem solving.

Losing your temper at work is “universally uncool,” say Kreamer. But opening your emotional floodgates strategically can lead to solutions if both sides are willing to work together. ___3___ “The specific time and private space establishes boundaries so you have a greater chance of achieving a constructive outcome and maintaining the relationship,” Kreamer adds.

I feel: Afraid and anxious.

How to get promoted: Improve planning skills.

___4___ Identify what’s behind your fear and take specific action --- ask your manager for details and take on some responsibilities. You’ll calm down and do a better job. “No boss minds helping an eager employee learn something new, but every boss hates having to deal with a bungled(搞糟了的) project,” says Kreamer.

I feel: Happy.

How to get promoted: Increase creativity and productivity.

When you’re in a positive mood, your brain activity actually shifts, says Kreamer. “Your focus deepens, and your dopamine(多巴胺) levels increase. ___5___”

A.I feel: Angry.

B.I feel: like crying.

C.This helps you see things from a different perspective.

D.It’s a signal that there’s a problem that needs to be solved.E. Are you clear about an assignment or underprepared for a meeting?

F. Instead, Kreamer suggests acting on your feelings can help you do a good job.

G. Rather than face the offender in the heat of the moment, schedule a one-on-one meeting.
