问题 多项选择题

Passage 1If you have never seen a power plant, you might find it hard to imagine how enormously complex the equipment is or how much heat is generated by the boilers or how much coal it takes to fuel the furnaces for just one day.During the course of a day, the boilers at one of our power plants, Morgantown, for example, can turn 24 million gallons of water into steam. That generating plant alone uses 9,900 tons of coal in its furnaces in just one day. Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) uses so much coal that we have purchased two 80-car unit trains to facilitate the delivery process. And Morgantown alone can produce over 25 million kilowatthours of electricity in a single day’’s operation.Electricity is produced by spinning large magnets inside a coil of wire within the generator. The faster we spin the magnets, the higher will be the voltage of the electricity produced. Electricity leaves a PEPCO generator at between 13,800 and 24,000 volts.The next step in the process occurs when electricity passes through a transformer where the voltage is stepped up to continue on its journey. A transmission wire is like a small diameter pipe. Stepping up the voltage is like increasing water pressure, thus speeding the flow of energy through the system.Passage 2Because the aircraft industry needs ever-increasing quantities of aluminium plate, new equipment has been designed to automate the making of it. It includes a huge heat-treatment furnace, a crane that lifts hot metal plates without damaging them, and a computer system that can manage the complete flow of work.Five years ago, Europe’’s aircraft industry needed only 8,000 tonnes of aluminium plate a year for its products. Last year the figure reached 21,800 tonnes. By 2004 it should total 30,000 tonnes. Each airliner contains 180 tonnes of it. That is why the plant is being rebuilt to increase both the quality and the amount of its product.Aluminium is alloyed with other metals and cast into ingots, and the surface of the ingots is smoothed off. After pre-heating, it is rolled in a mill that can take 3.75-m-wide slabs. The new equipment can make the process more efficient and can produce a better product. For example, computers control the temperature of the hot plates, the rate at which they pass through the mill, the speed of cooling it with water, and so on.The new plant can handle twice the throughput of the one that it is replacing, thanks to the completely automated and computerized process.


参考答案:Passage A 如果你从未见过一座发电厂,你可能很难想象发电设备是多么复杂,锅炉能产生多么巨大的热量,而炉子每天又是需要烧多少煤。 举例说,我们的一座发电厂——摩根顿发电厂——的各台锅炉一天中就能把二千四百万加仑的水化为蒸汽。这座电厂的炉子一天之内就消耗九千九百吨煤。波多马克电力公司(PEPCO)用煤量如此巨大,以致我们专门购置了两列八十节车皮的火车以加速输送煤的过程。仅仅一座摩根顿电厂就能每天生产二千五百万千瓦小时的电。 电是靠使大型磁铁在发电机内的线圈里面转动而产生的。磁铁转速愈高,产生的电压就愈高。电流从波多马克电力公司的发电机出来时,其电压在AC,H00伏至BD,000伏之间。 下一道程序是使电流通过一个变压器,把电压提升,并使电继续向前进。一根导线就象一根小口径的水管。把电压升高就象给水加压一样,这样一来就会使这个系统中能量的运动加快。Passage B 由于飞机制造工业需要越来越多的铝板,已设计了新的设备把制造铝板的工序自动化。这套设备包括一个巨型的热处理炉,一架可以起吊热的金属板而不至于损坏它们的吊车和一套能控制整个工艺流程的计算机系统。 五年前,欧洲的飞机制造工业每年只需要H,000吨铝板。去年这个数字增加到BA,H00吨。到B00D年它将达到C0,000吨。每架民航飞机就含有AH0吨铝板。因此正在对这套设备进行改建,以便提高产品的质量和产量。 铝与其他金属一起被制成合金,铸成锭子,并且把锭子的表面光洁化。预热之后,锭子在一架可以容纳C.GE米宽的平板的轧机中进行轧制。这套新设备可使这个工序提高效率,并能改进产品的质量。举例说,铝板加热的温度,铝板通过轧机的速度,以及用水对它进行冷却的速度等等,都由计算机控制。 由于工序全部自动化和使用计算机控制,这套新设备能够处理两倍于被它代替的旧设备的产量。

解析:Passage 11.If you have never seen a power plant,you might find it hard to imagine how enormously complex the equipment is or how much heat is generated by the boilers or how much coal it takes to fuel the furnaces for just one day.如果你从未见过一座发电厂,你可能很难想象发电设备是多么复杂,锅炉能产生多么巨大的热量,而炉子每天又是需要烧多少煤。

[分析]:基本素质采分点与理解结构采分点。power plant固定词组:发电厂;the equipment根据上下文译成“发电设备”;本句中主句的谓语动词find后是形式宾语it,而真正的宾语是动词不定式to imagine…;而imagine后有三个宾语从句,翻译时要用换序译法(将真正宾语提前)、断句译法(将三个how从句断开译);还有转态译法即本句中的被动语态译成汉语时要变成主动(how much heat is generated)。2.During the course of a day,the boilers at one of our power plants,Morgantown,for example,can turn 24 million gallons of water into steam.举例说,我们的一座发电厂——摩根顿发电厂——的各台锅炉一天中就能把二千四百万加仑的水化为蒸汽。

[分析]:理解结构采分点。翻译中要注意措词的变换,有时需将笼统的变成具体的,形象的变成抽象的,反之亦然;本句中的the boilers就应译成具体的“各台锅炉”。3.That generating plant alone uses 9,900 tons of coal in its furnaces in just one day.Potomac Electric Power Company(PEPCO)uses so much coal that we have purchased two 80-car unit trains to facilitate the delivery process.这座电厂的炉子一天之内就消耗九千九百吨煤。波多马克电力公司(PEPCO)用煤量如此巨大,以致我们专门购置了两列八十节车皮的火车以加速输送煤的过程。

[分析]:理解结构采分点。翻译中要根据需要增减词义,使得译文语意完整;还要注意语序的调整,使得句子的指代清楚。如本句:That generating plant alone uses 9,900 tons of coal in its furnaces in just one day中的划线部分就可译成:这座电厂的炉子……;so…that句式中要调整好语序;two 80-car unit trains to facilitate the delivery process中数词后要按汉语习惯加上量词,to facilitate the delivery process也要说清楚是“加速输送煤的过程”。4.And Morgantown alone can produce over 25 million kilowatthours of electricity in a single day’s operation.仅仅一座摩根顿电厂就能每天生产二千五百万千瓦小时的电。

[分析]:用词选词采分点。上面提到翻译中要根据需要增减词义,使得译文语意完整;本句中的in a single day’s operation.中的划线词在翻译中可不译出。5.The faster we spin the magnets,the higher will be the voltage of the electricity produced.磁铁转速愈高,产生的电压就愈高。

[分析]:理解结构采分点。本句是the faster…the higher比较级结构,可用换序译法;同时前半句中的人称代词不要译出,可使句子的表达更为客观。6.Electricity leaves a PEPCO generator at between 13,800 and 24,000 volts.电流从波多马克电力公司的发电机出来时,其电压在13,800伏至24,000伏之间。

[分析]:理解结构采分点。本句可用断句法翻译。当电流从……发电机输出时,其电压在13,800伏至24,000伏之间。7.The next step in the process occurs when electricity passes through a transformer where the voltage is stepped up to continue on its journey.下一道程序是使电流通过一个变压器,把电压提升,并使电继续向前进。

[分析]:理解结构采分点。本句中的被动结构若直译,则不符合汉语习惯,因此将被动变主动:the voltage is stepped up把电压提升;后面的目的状语也可用断句译法来译。Passage 21.Because the aircraft industry needs ever-increasing quantities of aluminium plate,new equipment has been designed to automate the making of it.It includes a huge heat-treatment furnace,a crane that lifts hot metal plates without damaging them,and a computer system that can manage the complete flow of work.由于飞机制造工业需要越来越多的铝板,已设计了新的设备把制造铝板的工序自动化。这套设备包括一个巨型的热处理炉,一架可以起吊热的金属板而不至于损坏它们的吊车和一套能控制整个工艺流程的计算机系统。

[分析]:理解结构采分点。第一句的主句采用了转态译法和换序译法,即将句子的结构由被动变为主动,词序也作相应的调整:new equipment has been designed译成“已设计了新的设备”,to automate the making of it译成“把制造铝板的工序自动化”;第二句开始的it,要译出它所指代的是什么,以免读者不知所云;后面的a crane和a computer system各带了一个定语从句,在翻译中要注意它们的位置;在此只须将它们放到被修饰的名词前即可:“一架可以起吊热的金属板而又不至于损坏它们的吊车和一套能控制整个工艺流程的计算机系统。”2.By 2004 it should total 30,000 tonnes.到2004年它将达到30,000吨。

[分析]:用词选词采分点。total译为:总数将达到。3.That is why the plant is being rebuilt to increase both the quality and the amount of its product.因此正在对这套设备进行改建,以便提高产品的质量和产量。

[分析]:理解结构采分点。本句的翻译要用转态译法:the plant is being rebuilt(正在对这套设备进行改建);断句译法:the plant is being rebuilt to increase both the quality and the amount of its product.(正在对这套设备进行改建,以便提高产品的质量和产量)和措辞变换That is why…(因此);to increase both the quality and the amount of its product.(以便提高产品的质量和产量);both按中文习惯不译出。4.Aluminium is alloyed with other metals and cast into ingots,and the surface of the ingots is smoothed off.铝与其他金属一起被制成合金,铸成锭子,并且把锭子的表面光洁化。

[分析]:理解结构采分点。本句中有三个并列的被动语态结构,翻译时要根据上下文的不同而变换译法:第一个被动结构不变:铝与其他金属一起被制成合金;第二个被动结构译为主动:铸成铝锭;第三个被动结构也译为主动:把铝锭的表面光洁化。5.The new plant can handle twice the throughput of the one that it is replacing,thanks to the completely automated and computerized process.由于工序全部自动化和使用计算机控制,这套新设备能够处理两倍于被它代替的旧设备的产量。

[分析]:理解结构采分点。因为汉语习惯将原因放在前面,翻译时将原因状语提前。the new plant按上下文应译成“这套新设备”;定语从句the one that it is replacing翻译时放到被修饰词前,变成一个定语短语。
