材料一 19世纪中期,英国往昔那种田园诗般的风情不见了,代之而起的是一个忙忙碌碌的世界。乡村建起了灰暗的厂房,城镇竖起了高耸的烟囱,工厂里回荡着机器的轰响,高炉前迸射着铁水的光亮。1850年时,英国的城市人口已经超过了60%,铁产量超过了世界上所有国家铁产量的总和,煤占世界总产量的三分之二,棉布占全球的一半以上。
材料二 中国近代城市化是在西方资本主义入侵的影响下产生的,又是在自然经济占主导地位的社会结构中展开的。虽然城市化浪潮由沿海通商口岸向着周边区域扩散,但沿海城市与内陆省份城市在近代化进程中产生了很大的差异,沿海和沿江城市迅速扩张,而广大农村与内陆地区处在工业化进程之外,这种工业化格局使得中国城市化进程缺乏后劲,也是中国城市化进程缓慢的重要原因。
材料三 光绪年间的黄浦江畔,房屋多为西式,轩敞华丽,有高至六、七层者。入夜则灯火辉煌,明如白昼。大厦商铺、中西邮局、电报局、船坞、轮船公司皆在焉。……这里修建了许多教堂,在众多的外国领事馆的小教堂,都有钟楼和高耸的十字架。还有一些以营利为目的“蕃菜馆”“面包房”“咖啡店”出现,许多身着西装的中国人在此出入。
材料四 工业化时期,英国城市环境问题主要表现为:极其恶劣的居住环境,不容忽视的大气污染,日益严峻的河流污染,这些对英国社会造成持久而深远的危害.城市环境问题的产生,除了受工业化时期的技术制约以外,还与当时人们对环境污染的漠视态度以及“自由放任”的工业化模式有关。
In every school there is a "top" crowd that sets the pace, while the others follow their lead. Let’s say the top crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters. Pretty soon everybody is wearing a bright red sweater. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that on some people bright red sweater is extremely unbecoming. The situation can even become dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour. Then the people who follow the lead are endangering their lives. They are like the sheep being led to the butcher. Now, chances are that you have come across situations like these more than once in your life; chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saying, "Gee, the crowd does it. " Well, let the crowd do it, but don’t do it yourself. Learn to say "No". Develop your own standards and your own judgment. If you know the crowd is planning something you disagree to, have the courage to bow out mannerly. You’ll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet.
The author doesn’t think it good wearing red sweaters if ______.
A. the crowd does itB. you can’t afford themC. you don’t look good in redD. the situation isn’t safe