问题 综合题


材料一 自西洋文明输入吾国,最初促吾人之觉悟者为学术,相形见拙,举国所知矣;其次为政治,年来政象所证明,以有不克守缺抱残之势。继今以往,国人所怀疑莫决者,当为伦理问题。此而不能觉悟,则前之所谓觉悟者,非彻底之觉悟,盖犹在倘恍迷离之境。吾敢断言曰:伦理的觉悟,为吾人最后觉悟之最后觉悟——陈独秀《吾人最后之觉悟》

材料二 受制于“皇帝制度”两千年,是这个民族不能逃避的命运。中国现代化进程中遇到的许多问题,比如“德先生“赛先生”迟迟不能落脚,比如公民意识、规则意识、宽容意识的缺乏,比如“熟人社会”,比如“守旧症”、“非我症”、“不合作症”、“麻痹症”,其根源都可以追溯到三千年前的夏商周时代或者更远的尧舜禹。从这个角度,我们可以更加深刻地理解中国文化转型的艰难。——张宏杰《十国皇帝的五种命运》序





( l )三个阶段:

① 学术觉悟;林则徐、洋务派“师夷长技”(或答“洋务运动”) ,学习西方科技尤其是军事科技;结果失败。(3 分。每点1 分)

② 政治觉悟;维新派、革命派效仿西方政治制度,进行维新变法和辛亥革命;结果都失败了,未能拯救中国。(3 分。每点1 分)

③ 伦理觉悟;新文化运动;促进思想解放和民族觉醒,为马克思主义传播和五四运动奠定了思想基础。(3 分。每点1 分)

( 2 )原因:

① 政治:专制制度(或“皇帝制度” )的阻碍。(1 分)

② 经济:资本主义发展不充分,自然经济占主导地位。(1 分)

③ 思想:儒家思想的影响根深蒂固或传统文化思想的制约。(1 分)

( 3 )理解:言之有理均可得分。

题目分析:(1)结合中国近代史分析,西洋文明的输入从技术到制度到文化,从开眼看世界的林则徐和魏源,到学习思想文化的陈独秀等,具体实践要列举具体运动,分析结果可从成功或失败两方面入手。 (2)政治要从制度、政局、力量等方面分析;经济可从近代五种经济成分入手,如自然经济、资本主义经济等;思想要从正反两面概括,如封建思想的根深蒂固、西方思想的传入等角度分析。 (3)紧扣“传统文化”、“西方文化”,注意要结合材料谈谈对两者的认识,不能过于简单处理。


单项选择题 A1型题
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and Exhibition Tour
Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition is the world's largest exhibition devoted to Shakespeare. Located beneath the reconstructed Globe Theatre on London's Bankside, the exhibition explores the remarkable story of the Globe, and brings Shakespeare's world to life using a range of interactive displays and live demonstrations.
Tour the reconstructed Globe Theatre and see how plays were staged in Shakespeare's day
All-day access to the interactive Globe Exhibition
Actors, recordings and interactive displays bring Shakespeare's world to life
April 23 to October 9
9:00am to 5:00pm. On Monday, tours run all day. Tuesday to Saturday, last tour departs at 12:30pm and at 11:30am on Sunday due to performances taking place on these days.
October 10 to March 31
10:00am to 5:00pm.
Important note: Rehearsals(排练) will also take place throughout the Theatre Season. Please note that access to the Globe Theatre may be restricted and there may be occasions when the Globe tours are unable to run. When the Globe tours are not available, Rose or Bankside tours can be offered instead.
Additional info
Inclusions:  Entrance fee and all day access to Exhibition
Guided tour of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre (maximum 50 people)
Exclusions(不包含项目):  Hotel pickup and drop off
Food and drinks, unless specified
Click the link below to check pricing & availability on your preferred travel date. Our pricing is constantly updated to ensure you always receive the lowest price possible - we 100% guarantee it. 

Theatre Tour and Exhibition
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tour and Exhibition
Theatre Tour and Afternoon Tea
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tour and Exhibition plus Afternoon Tea at 3:00pm in the Swan Brasserie or Bar.
小题1:The passage can be found ___________.
A.in a newspaperB.in a magazineC.on the InternetD.in a guidebook
小题2:In this Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Tour, we can _________.
A.visit the original Globe Theatre
B.enjoy a British afternoon tea for free
C.experience Shakespeare’s world in an interactive way
D.visit the exhibition in the Globe Theatre
小题3:What is true about the tour according to the passage?
A.Rehearsals may affect the tour.
B.The pricing remains the same.
C.Performances take place throughout the year.
D.The opening hours are the same in May and in November.
小题4:If the Globe tours are unable to run, ________ will be offered instead.
A.a Shakespeare’s playB.afternoon tea
C.Rose or Bankside toursD.hotel pickup