问题 单项选择题

Although your internet start-up company has few project management policies and procedures in place, it made a healthy profit last year. Experience, however, has taught you that some controls are required, especially for projects that change frequently. You would like to establish a change control system for your company, but must convince a group of money-hungry “20 somethings” to use it. To be effective, the change control system must include ______.

A.procedures that define how project documents may be changed

B.specific change requests expected on the project and plan to respond to each one

C.performance reports that forecast project changes

D.a description of the functional and physical characteristics of an item or system



解析: 虽然你的网络公司刚刚起步, 几乎没有项目管理政策和程序, 但是去年还是有很可观的利润。然而, 经验告诉你: 一定的控制是必要的, 尤其是对于变更频繁的项目。你试图为你的公司建立一个变更控制系统, 但是一定要说服一群20来岁的、急着挣钱的年轻人接受它。为了保证这个系统行之有效, 变更控制系统必须包括______。 A) 定义项目文件如何变更的程序 B) 项目预期的具体的变更要求及其回应计划 C) 预示项目变更的业绩报告 D) 对于一个事物或者一个系统的功能和物理特征的描述 变更控制系统包括文书工作、跟踪系统、授权审批的层次,定义了项目文档和其他成果如何进行变更。
