As the world’s leading seller of pogo sticks to senior citizens, your business has had its ups and downs. Recently, a high-priced consultant completed a study tracing the “downs” directly to the fact that your organization is not a learning organization. It seems that no one shares information, and that people are managing projects the same way they were managed three generations ago. You are convinced that the consultant’s advice is correct and decide to make some changes. Accordingly, your firm now will conduct regular learning events. You hired a chief learning officer to make it all happen. Her first suggestion aimed at achieving this goal is to ensure the company supports______.
A.project team meetings customer review sessions
C.kickoff meetings
D.benchmarking forums
解析: 你们公司为老年人生产一种特殊拐杖, 公司在业界处于比较领先的地位, 但是公司的业务总是时好时坏。最近公司花了大血本请了一位顾问对公司的情况进行了跟踪研究, 结果发现导致公司业绩不佳的原因在于公司不是一个学习型组织。职员们彼此之间不共享信息, 管理项目的方法陈旧不堪。你觉得这个顾问的调研结果是正确的, 并决定要采取一些措施。因此, 公司现在要经常举行一些学习活动。你聘请了一个人来负责这件事情。针对这个目标, 她提出的第一个建议就是要确保公司支持______。 A) 项目团队会议 B) 项目进行中的顾客评估会议 C) 项目动员会议 D) 标准设定论坛 项目刚队会议有助于团队成员的内部沟通、信息分享。选项B针对顾客进行,顾客更关注项目做得如何、是否满足需求,这个会对公司内部价值不大;选项C每个项目一次,务虚会,意义不大;选项D就是找标杆,讨论最佳实践,不是必需的。