问题 单项选择题

What does the speaker think of the mayor a. He’s the one to blame. b. He’s done his job. c. It’s unfair for the people to blame him. d. It’s good for the people to criticize him.



解析:[听力原文]A lot of people blame the mayor for our roads being in such bad shape. But I think he’s getting a bum rap.[解题思路] 本题型主要考查考生对英语地道词语、固定用法、搭配和习语的理解及掌握。要求考生在平时多注意地道英语表达法的学习。[典型试题解析] 如第12题属于词义理解型题目。根据原文“Yesterday,my roommate chewed me out.”,译文为“昨天,我室友将我赶了出去。”本题关键在于理解动词短语“chew out”的意思,所以应选a。 如第14题属于同义替换型题目。根据原文“Half the people in my office are home sick, so I’m up to my ears!”,译文为“我办公室有一半人有病请假,所以我简直忙得不得了。”本题关键是理解“up to my ears”的意思,表示“很忙”,所以选d。 如第16题属于理解推断型题目。根据原文“Our next door neighbor came back from the hospital yesterday after his heart attack. And he certainly looks back in the pink again.”,译文为“我们的邻居心脏病突发住进了医院,昨天他出院回家了。他看上去和以往一样健康。”,所以选d。
