问题 多项选择题


下列关于甲公司就其会计政策和会计估计变更及后续的会计处理中,正确的有( )。








解析: 变更日无形资产的计税基础=500-500÷10×4=300(万元);将使用寿命不确定的无形资产改为使用寿命有限的无形资产属于会计估计变更,应采用未来适用法处理,不能进行追溯调整;符合资本化条件的开发费用,虽然账面价值小于计税基础,但不符合确认递延所得税资产的条件;投资性房地产后续计量模式的改变属于会计政策变更,变更日对出租办公楼调增其账而价值,并调整期初留存收益和递延所得税负债。对子公司(A公司)投资的后续计量由权益法改为成本法符合会计政策变更的条件,属于会计政策变更。



  Build the highway and watch the town grow.At first a few shops appear and maybe a restaurant.Then a hotel opens. Eventually new house are built. A village is born.

  This is also how the virtual world has developed. Think of the Internet as the road carrying information between two computers.Think of the World Wide Web as the village. At first it is just a place on the virtual road where travelers meet. More travelers come bringing new kinds of information. New travelers come bringing new kinds of information.New villages are started.

  Every willage has a founder.Tim Berners-Lee is the man who wrote the software programme that led to the foundation of the Word Wide Web.How did he get the idea? He tells us on his own web site. "One of the things computers were not able to do was store in formation from different sources. The dream behind the Web is of a common space in which we communicate by sharing information."

  In 1991 his programmmes were placed on to the Internet.Everyone was welcome to use them.

  Tim Berners-Lee could have followed the Microsoft route by forming a company to sell the programmes he invented. Or he could have joined another company. But in his view the Web is a language,not a pproduct. Charging a gee for using his programmes would have slowed the growth of the Web.And other companies would make similar products to compete. Instead of one World Wide Web there would be several smaller Webs. Each would use incompatible (不相容的) software. They Web is valuable because it uses a common computer language to reach people and share information. Competing webs would lose this value.Imagine if somebody sent you a bill every time you spoke a world of English.

  In 1994 Tim Berners-Lee formed the World Wide Web Consortium,or W3C.More than 200 leading companies and laboratories are represented by W3C. Together they make sure that everyone, no matter what their equipment or solftware,can work equally on the Web.

  "The Web can help people to understand the way that others live and love. It helps us understand the humanity of people," he says.

  68.The writer's purpose in writing the first two paragraphs is to ______.

   A.give us some idea of the Internet

   B.give us some idea of the Web

   C.tell us how the idea of Web started

   D.tell us the idea of the Web is wonderful

  69.Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in order to _____

   A.place his programmers on the Internet

   B.stop smaller webs appearing

   C.help people to form a web site

   D.let people share all kinds of information

  70.According to the text,the disadvantage of competing webs is that they would ______.

   A.slow the development of the Web

   B.destroy the whole web system

   C.lose the value of information

   D.waste a lot of money