问题 阅读理解


     Have you  ever  been  to  the  Great  Wall  of  China? Every year there are many people visit it and the

visitors find it is very  pleasant in visiting the  Great Wall.  The  Great Wall  of  China is one of the greatest

wonders of the world.  It is more than 2, 000  years old.  It runs from east to west in  North China and it's

about 4,000 miles long, 7 meters high.  In some places it is  wide enough  for ten men to walk side by side.

    The Great Wall is made up of stones and bricks(砖块). There are huge stones on both sides and on the top.

    Along the Great Wall there are tall and  strong  watch-towers(嘹望塔).  Horses can run along the top,  

too.  The ancient soldiers made fire on the towers to tell each other when the enemy came.

    Now in some places the wall has fallen down.  We are trying our best to rebuild it. The Great Wall is a

symbol of the Chinese nation.


1.  The Great Wall has a history of more than 2,000 years.(同意句转换)

     The Great Wall has a history of__________2,000 years.

2.  In some places of the Great Wall, ten men can walk side by side. It's really wide.(同意句转


    In some places it's__________for__________to walk side by side.

3.  Now some sections of the wall are worn out.(同意句转换)

    Now__________ _________ __________the wall__________ __________ __________.

4.  What is the Great Wall made up of(构成)?


5.What is your opinion about the Great Wall of China?



1. over  

2.  wide enough, ten men  

3. in some places, has fallen down  

4.  It is made up of stones and bricks.




材料一 (明代)连江县的杨崇家庭, 六世同居,男女老幼有70口人,饮食一道,财产公有。南平廖氏,五代同居,也同耕同食。大田县吴氏六世同居,男耕女织,不分彼此。福清县王荣也是六世同居,大小家人七百余口,不曾折箸争吵过,而且这个家庭一直发展到清代,是福建历史上受明清两代封建王朝表彰而名扬一时的大家庭。                                      ——彭文宇《历史上闽台家庭与家族交往》



材料二 “妇人有三从之义,无专用之道。故未嫁从父,既嫁从夫,夫死从子。”                                  ——《仪礼?丧服?子夏传》

(2) 根据材料二,分析这种传统观念反映了什么严重的社会弊端?


材料三 1921年《中华女界联合会改造宣言》一文的主要内容:“要求得入一切学校上学,与男子受同等教育”,“要求女子有选举权、被选举权及从事其他一切政治活动的权力;男女同工同酬等。”                                      ——刘斌《中国近代妇女伦理思想演变宇建构》



材料四 1955年,国务院颁布了《婚姻登记办法》,这意味着男女双方只需到政府登记即可办理结、离婚事宜,同时也意味着从制度上进一步保护了中国人的婚姻自由。更多的“父母之命”于此后宣告作废,……很多中国人正是在此时第一次意识到,原来女人是有权“休夫”的。



材料五 选举法规定,全国人大代表中应当有适当数量的妇女代表,并逐步提高妇女代表的比例。2012年两会期间,人大副委员长李建国曾表示,人大代表中妇女代表的比例应当高于上届。部分代表还重点提出应进一步提高妇女的参政水平。


