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展中欧关系符合双方利益 第六届中国—欧盟领导入峰会于星期四在北京举行会,会议表明中国和欧盟之间的关系正在健康地发展。此次会晤是今年年初新一届中国领导人执政以来双方的首次会面,也是继中国于10月13日首次发表与欧盟关系文件和欧盟于9月10日批准与中国关系新战略之后,双方领导人的首次峰会。 会后,双方领导人承诺要进一步加强合作,并签署了三份协议,以开辟新的合作领域。协议包括“伽利略卫星导航合作协定”以及“中欧旅游目的地国地位谅解备忘录”。 为了进一步加强双边关系,温 * * * * 提出四点建议:一、保持高层交往势头;二、深化经贸合作;三、建立有效的合作机制;四、消除影响中欧关系健康发展的障碍。 这表明中国非常重视与欧盟在新世纪全面发展合作关系。这种关系不仅有助于双方的共同繁荣,有助于地区及世界经济的增长,而且还能通过推进多边化进程促进世界和平与稳定。 从1995年首次确定中欧关系长期政策开始,欧盟通过了一系列对华政策文件。如1998年通过的“与中国建立全面伙伴关系”,2001年通过的“欧盟对华战略——1998年文件实施情况及进一步加强欧盟政策的措施”以及今年通过的“一个走向成熟的伙伴关系——中欧关系中的共同利益和面临的挑战”。这些对华政策都为中国与欧盟将来的长期合作打下了基础。 而中国上个月发表的首份与欧盟关系全面政策文件也为进一步推动双边关系做出了重要的贡献。 总之,寻求共同发展并以务实的态度对待双方的分歧是符合中国与欧盟的共同利益的。



解析:China-EU Links Provide Mutual Benefit The sixth China-European Union (EU) Summit held on Thursday in Beijing indicates the relationship between China and the EU is developing healthily. This is the first leaders’ meeting between China and the EU since China’s new leadership took office in March. It is also the first summit between the two sides since China published for the first time its EU policy paper on October 13 and the European Union approved a new strategy for its partnership with China on September 10. After the meeting, leaders from the two sides vowed to boost cooperation and signed three areements which open up new horizons for collaboration, including an agreement on Galileo satellite navigation cooperation and a memorandum of understanding on the EU becoming an approved tourist destination to the Chinese. To further bilateral ties, Premier Wen Jiabao put forward a four-point proposal: to keep frequent exchanges of high-level visits; to deepen trade and economic cooperation; to set up an effective cooperation mechanism; and to eliminate barriers hindering the healthy growth of the China-EU relations. This demonstrates China attaches great importance to the development of their comprehensive partnership in the new century, which will contribute not only to mutual prosperity and the growth of regional and world economy, but also to peace and stability by promoting the process of multi- lateralization. Following its first long-term strategy for the EU-China relations in the 1995, the EU published a series of policy documents such as "Building a Comprehensive Partnership with China" in 1998, "EU Strategy towards China: Implementation of the 1998 Communication and Future Steps for a More Effective EU Policy" in 2001 and this year’s "A Maturing Partnership: Shared Interests and Challenges in EU-China Relations" -- all of which laid a foundation for future long-term cooperation. As well, China’s publishing of its first comprehensive policy paper on its relations with the EU last month is a significant contribution towards further strengthening the bilateral ties. In a word, it is in line with the interests for both sides to seek common development and to deal with their differences with pragmatic attitude.
