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参考答案:事业单位的分类  事业单位一般是国家设置的带有一定的公益性质的机构,但不属于政府机构,与公务员是不同的。一般情况下国家会对这些事业单位予以财政补助,分为全额拨款事业单位、差额拨款事业单位,还有一种是自主事业单位,是国家不拨款的事业单位。   1、全额拨款事业单位也称为全供事业单位,也就是全额预算管理的事业单位,是其所需的事业经费全部由国家预算拨款的一种管理形式。   这种管理形式,一般适用于没有收入或收入不稳定的事业单位,如学校、科研单位、卫生防疫、工商管理等事业单位,即人员费用、公用费用都要由国家财政提供。采用这种管理形式,有利于国家对事业单位的收入进行全面的管理和监督,同时,也使事业单位的经费得到充分的保证。   2、差额拨款事业单位,按差额比例,财政承担部分,由财政列入预算;单位承担部分,由单位在税前列支,如医院等。   差额拨款单位的人员费用由国家财政拨款,其他费用自筹。这些单位的人员工资构成中固定部分为60%,非固定部分为40%。按照国家有关规定,差额拨款单位要根据经费自主程度,实行工资总额包干或其他符合自身特点的管理办法,促使其逐步减少来源:www.sdsgwy.com公务员考试国家财政拨款,向经费自收自支过渡。 3、自主事业单位又称为自收自支事业单位,是国家不拨款的事业单位。自收自支事业单位作为事业单位的一种主要形式,由于不需要地方财政直接拨款,因而一些地方往往放松对它的管理,造成自收自支事业单位有不断膨胀的趋势。事业单位的性质   事业单位是相对于企业单位而言的首先事业单位包括一些有公务员工作的单位,它们不是以盈利为目的,是一些国家机构的分支。   企业单位就是以盈利为目的公司等以赢利为目的的机构!企业单位一般是自负盈亏的生产性单位。所谓“自负盈亏”意即:自己承担亏损与盈利的后果,有一定的自主权。企业单位分为国企和私企。国企就是属国家所有的企业单位;私企就是属个人所有的企业单位。 事业单位的宗旨   事业单位是以政府职能、公益服务为主要宗旨的一些公益性单位、非公益性职能部门等。它参与社会事物管理,履行管理和服务职能,宗旨是为社会服务,主要从事教育、科技、文化、卫生等活动。   其上级部门多为政府行政主管部门或者政府职能部门,其行为依据有关法律,所做出的决定多具有强制力,其人员工资来源多为财政拨款。事业单位的登记在编制部门进行。事业单位与职工签订聘用合同,发生劳动争议后,事业单位进行人事仲裁。



  We've had the Tiger Mom, the Wolf Dad, now we have the Eagle Dad. The

Eagle Dad is a man from Nanjing who uploaded a video of his four-year-old son

running through the snow and cold of New York's central Park. The boy was

dressed only in pants and sneakers. And the video shows the boy crying, his skin

bright red from the cold.

  The man was very proud of the video and his treatment of the boy. He said

that, just like the eagle, a parent should be tough on his child. He said hardship

and suffering would make the child strong and successful. I suppose the Tiger

Mom would agree. She said that punishment was one way to make the child work

harder. And the Wolf Dad would certainly agree. He said that beating a child

was a good way to make the child successful in school.

  Many people, of course disagree. They say that people who treat their

children the same way that some animals treat their young are close to

criminality. The fact that many people also agree with those kinds of parents

shows that they are confused (困惑) about how to raise children properly.

  All parents love their children and want to do what is best for them. But

tough love may not be the best way for all children. The better way for the Eagle

Dad is to take some of his feathers and use them to keep his child warm.

1. Where is the Eagle Dad from?


2. What was his son doing in the video?


3. Why is he called the Eagle Dad ?


4. Who would agree with the Eagle Dad's treatment of the children?


5. What is the writer’s advice?

