Anh, Lan and Thanh are business partners. The partners have unlimited liability. Their formal agreement specifi es that it is necessary for all three partners to sanction any single item of expenditure in excess of 60 million dong.Without informing her colleagues, Anh has been using the partnership’s premises and equipment in order to earn extra cash. When Lan and Thanh discovered this, Anh offered to make a payment of 100 million dong to the partnership’s bank account, representing what she said was a fair proportion of the extra cash that she earned. However, Anh refused to let Lan and Thanh have access to any formal records of her work.Lan and Thanh subsequently discovered that Anh had paid 80 million dong for inventory without consulting them. The supplier was a well-established contact of the partnership and saw no reason to question the order.When confronted by Lan and Thanh on these matters, Anh resigned from the partnership immediately and refused to accept any further responsibilities for the obligations of the partnership.Required:Discuss the obligations of Anh to her former partners and explain the actions that Lan and Thanh may take against her. (10 marks)