问题 论述题

材料一 在日益现代化的今天,婚礼备受年轻人的重视。有人用豪华车队迎亲,以奢侈喜宴祝贺;而更多新人则选择了利用传统婚礼礼仪举办自己的婚礼。这种传统婚礼礼仪既时尚又节俭,还让现代的城市人目睹了久违的传统婚礼场面,很有意义。

材料二 前任文化部部长孙家正说:精美的民族民间文化,是我们的母亲文化,是我们的根。留住祖先的记忆,非常重要。但我们又必须赋予她新的时代精神。

从文化继承的角度分析我们应当如何留住“祖先的记忆”和“民族的根” ?(8分)


①“取其精华,去其糟粕”,批判继承,古为今用。面对传统文化,要辩证地认识它在现实生活中的作用,分辨其中的精华和糟粕。对于传统文化中符合社会发展要求的、积极向上的内容,应该继续保持和发扬;对于传统文化中不符合社会发展要求的、落后的腐朽的内容,要自觉地加以改造或剔除。(4分)②推陈出新,革故鼎新。继承是发展的必要前提,发展是继承的必然要求。 二者是同一过程的两个方面。在继承的基础上发展,在发展的过程中继承。 这就是文化传承。在继承传统文化的过程中,要把握好二者的关系,批判地继承传统文化,不断推陈出新,革故鼎新,创造出既具有时代精神,又具有中国特色的社会主义新文化的新形式。(4分)

题目分析: 本题是以婚礼和孙家正的话为背景材料,考查我们如何留住“祖先的记忆”和“民族的根”,可从面对传统文化我们要批判继承,对于传统文化好的东西要继续保持和发扬,对于落后的腐朽的,要自觉加以改造和剔除,把握好继承与发展的关系,既要批判继承传统文化,革故鼎新,又要创造出时代精神,具有中国特色的新文化的新形式等。



     In 1977, Jack, an Italian-American who lived in San Francisco, flew from America to Italy to visit his

relatives. On the way, the plane made a one-hour stop to refuel (加油) at the New York Airport.

     Thinking that he had arrived, Jack got out and spent three days in New York, believing he was in


     When his relatives were not there to meet him, Jack thought they had been caught in the heavy Roman

traffic mentioned in their letters. While looking for their address, Jack could not help noticing that

modernization had changed most, if not all, of the ancient city's landmarks. He also noticed that many

people spoke English with strong American accent. However, he just thought that Americans got

everywhere. He also believed that so many street signs were written in English especially for the

Americans. Jack spoke very little English himself so he asked a policeman in Italian the way to the bus

station. As chance would have it, the policeman came from Italy and replied in the same language. After

twelve hours traveling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to a second policeman. After brief

argument with the policeman, Jack was very surprised to find that the Rome police had employed someone who did not speak his mother tongue.

     Jack did not believe he was told that he was in New York. In order to get on a plane to San Francisco, the policeman raced him to the airport in a police car with sirens (报警器) screaming. "See," he said to his interpreter. "I know I'm in Italy. That's how they drive."

1. Where did Jack live?

A. In Italy              

B. In San Francisco    

C. In New York        

D. The story doesn't mention

2. Why did Jack spend three days in New York?

A. He thought he had arrived in Italy

B. He did not want to go to Italy

C. He wanted to see some relatives first in New York

D. He wanted to have short rest in New York

3. Which of the following is Not true?

A. The first policeman could speak Italian fluently

B. The second policeman could not speak Italian at all

C. Jack had a brief argument with the second policeman

D. Jack could speak much English
