舌质红绛而有裂纹。属于( )
解析:[知识点] 望舌形
Rapid application development (RAD) systems purport to lighten the developer’s (46) by making it easy to program an application with simple intuitive steps. RAD tools (47) the developer everything needed to construct a fully functional application quickly and easily. They make short work of modifying the developed product to (48) changes after the program is finished. Applications developed with RAD tools are constructed as they are envisioned. As an application’s real usefulness (49) , the developer armed with RAD tools should be able to (50) on new features with little fuss.
A. accommodate B. accountC. decrease D. eliminate
课外校外教育是指下列哪类有目的、有计划、有组织的教育活动( )
A.课堂教学以外 B.学校以外C.课堂教学和学校以外 D.课程计划和学科课程标准以外