66. On festivals they used to act and sing in praise of ____ (英雄) who lived long ago.
67. Abraham Lincoln was one of four presidents who were ____ (谋杀).
68. A ____ (图书管理员) is a person who is in charge of or helps to run a library.
69. My teacher is really very kind. I’ll never forget the ____ (恩惠) he has done to me.
70. The head teacher has made a few minor ____ (调整) to our seats.
71. She likes him, because he is ____ (体贴的) towards others.
72. When I said some people were so stupid, I wasn’t ____ (指) to you.
73. The weather of Xi’an in ____ (一月) is very cold, especially at night.
74. In the ____ (二十) century, country music became more and more popular in America.
75. A vast amount of the Amazonian rainforest is being ____ (破坏) every day.
66. heroes 67. murdered 68. librarian 69. favor
70. adjustments 71. considerate 72. referring 73. January
74. twentieth 75. destroyed