问题 阅读理解
     A good cell phone policy should be a required part of any company. It not only covers
liability (法律责任) issues, but also covers many other legal and financial challenges that
might cause you problems. For instance, there is an IRS guideline that requires company
cell phones to be used only for business purposes. Personal use of these devices is
considered as a taxable benefit, which can be considered as part of your income and
therefore must be included in the income to be declared for tax.
     Then how to make a good cell phone policy? Here are some tips for you to follow.
     Make sure there are provisions (条款) in your cell phone policy for business and personal
use. You must make it clear what is allowed and what is not. A good Cell phone policy should
clearly show your managers and employees the company-wide rules for cell phone usage. This
will avoid some managers making their own decisions.
     Employees should understand that cell phones are controlled not by them, but by a company
authorized (公司批准的) employee who is the only person authorized to order devices, assign
plans, manage devices and the like. This will prohibit employees from ordering whatever services
they want.
     Another mobile device issue is liability for damage (赔偿责任). A good cell phone policy also
states responsibility for lost or damaged phones and how to report problems. This will prevent
confusion and help keep costs under control.
     Once you have a company cell phone policy in place, make sure you read and discuss it
thoroughly with all of your employees. Have them sign the policy to ensure that they understand
the information contained within. Be sure to provide employees with a copy of the policy. This
will help reduce your company's liability for any legal issue that may arise.
1. According to the IRS guideline, an employee will ______.
A. pay more tax if he doesn't use a company cell phone
B. pay more tax if he uses a company cell phone for business purposes
C. pay less tax if he uses a company cell phone for personal purposes
D. pay more tax if he uses a company cell phone for personal purposes
2. A company cell phone policy should ______.
A. allow some managers to make their own decisions
B. be discussed and signed by all the employees of the company
C. be provided for employees in copies to make sure they understand it
D. prohibit employees from ordering any kind of service they want
3. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A. Why a company needs a good cell phone policy?
B. How to make a good cell phone policy?
C. Reasonable rules are necessary in running companies.
D. Ways to make companies run well.




材料一 周村的丝绸生产已有两千多年的历史。早在春秋战国时期,就有家庭手工丝织作坊。到明、清时,周村成为全国瞩目的丝绸生产中心,出现了收蚕、烘煮、缫丝、制丝、织绸、浆染等专业手工作坊几百家。民谣“桑植满田日,户户皆养蚕;步步闻机声,家家织绸缎”生动地描绘出当时周村丝织业的繁荣景象。

材料二 伴随着电视连续剧《大染坊》的热播,百年商埠——周村备受国人关注。该剧讲述了陈寿亭从一个叫花子到拥有雄厚资产的印染厂主的创业历程,描写了中国民族工业在20世纪初发生、发展的艰难道路,从中展示了一代人强国梦的诞生与毁灭。主人公陈寿亭以周村家喻户晓的大实业家张星垣为原型,全景式的描述了大染坊的兴衰过程,是近代山东乃至全国民族工业发展的缩影。







