问题 材料题


材料一 1945年,黄炎培对毛 * * 说:“我生六十余年,耳闻的不说,所亲眼见到的,真所谓‘其兴也勃焉,其亡也忽焉。’一人,一家,一团体,一地方,乃至一国,不少单位都没有能跳出这周期率的支配力量……一部历史‘政怠宦成’的也有,‘人亡政息’的也有,‘求荣取辱’的也有,总之没有能跳出这周期率。”毛 * * 肃然相答:“我们已经找到了新路,我们能跳出这周期率。这条新路,就是民主。” 

材料二 2007年10月15日,在北京,胡 * * * * 面对两千多名十七大代表的注视(如下图),在党的十七大报告中为中国特色的社会主义规划了美好的未来。报告用整整一个章节的篇幅阐述“坚定不移发展社会主义民主政治”,提出了“人民民主是社会主义的生命”这一论断,凸显了民主政治的重要地位。

请回答:(1)新中国成立初期为“跳出周期率”,避免“人亡政息”,我国是如何走民主“这条新路”的?后来遇到怎样的挫折,又是如何矫正的?________________________________________________________________________________(2)胡 * * * * 指出:“人民民主是社会主义的生命”,你认为在当代该如何进一步建设和发扬社会主义民主?________________________________________________________________________________(3)我们该如何正确对待胡 * * * * 在党的十七大报告中描绘的中国民主政治蓝图?________________________________________________________________________________


(1)新中国成立初期,我国逐步建立了中 * * 党领导下的多党合作与政治协商制度、人民代表大会制度、民族区域自治制度,为巩固新中国、推动社会主义建设提供了制度保障。挫折:“ * * ”时期,社会主义民主与法制遭到严重践踏,使民主政治建设严重倒退,国家建设事业和社会发展遭受巨大损失。矫正:十一届三中全会以来,中 * * 党全面拔乱反正,健全法律体系,将依法治国正式写进宪法,使我国进入到建设法制化社会的新时期。(2)扩大人民民主、健全民主制度、丰富民主形式、拓展民主渠道,使人们的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权得到更充分的保障;发展基层民主,保障人民享有更多更切实的民主权利;全面落实依法治国;将政治体制改革向纵深方向推进。



Every human being is fallible; we make mistakes. In America when a mistake has been made, it is considered fitting for the person (1) to acknowledge his or her error and to apologize to anyone who has been inconvenienced. Even (2) are expected to admit their mistakes and apologize for them. Trying to (3) a mistake and denying your guilt are considered to be indicative of serious (4) .
If you make a mistake that (5) a group of people, a public apology is considered the best method for (6) . If the mistake was a serious one, or if some people were inconvenienced more than others, then the (7) should follow the public apology with private ones to (8) .
It is especially important for executives and company heads to be able to admit their mistakes. Sometimes leaders are afraid that if they (9) , they will lose the respect of their employees. Actually (10) — if you are honest with your employees and yourself, (11) , and show that you are willing to accept blame when you make a mistake, then your employees will be (12) you. They will also be more likely to admit their own mistakes.
If you (13) one person, it is usually best to apologize to that person alone, unless your mistake (14) by a large group of people. For example, if Leonard (15) to Mr. Todd during a committee meeting, it would be (16) for Leonard to apologize to Mr. Todd at the next committee meeting. If the (17) created by the initial mistake is public, then the apology should be public. However, if Leonard raised his voice to Mr. Todd when only the two of them (18) , he may apologize privately. Notice as well (19) the apologies are. As soon as you realize you have made a mistake, you should (20) .