问题 问答题

Ari operates a business as a designer of internet web pages for a variety of business clients. Unfortunately he has had some difficulty in recovering his full fees from a number of clients as follows:(a) Bi, a newly qualified accountant, told Ari that although she could only raise the cash to pay half of the outstanding fees she would, as an alternative to paying the other half, do all of Ari’s accountancy work for the coming year. Ari reluctantly agreed to this proposal.(b) Cas, a self-employed musician, told Ari that she could not pay any of the money she owed him. However, her father offered to pay Ari, but could only manage half of the total amount owed. Once again Ari reluctantly agreed to accept the father’s payment of the reduced sum.(c) Dex, a self-employed car mechanic, without contacting Ari, simply sent him a cheque for half of his fees stating that he, Dex, could not pay any more and that the cheque was in full settlement of his outstanding debt.Ari himself is now in financial difficulty and needs additional cash to maintain his business operation.Required:Advise Ari whether, in the context of contract law, he can recover any of the outstanding money from Bi, Cas and Dex. (10 marks)




招标程序:某大型项目由政府投资建设,业主委托某招标代理公司代理施工招 标。招标代理公司确定该项目采用公开招标方式招标, 招标公告在当地政府规定的招标信息网上发布。招标文件中规定: 投标担保可采用投标保证金或投标保函方式担保。评标方法采用经评审的最低投标方法。投标有效期为60天。

业主对招标代理公司提出以下要求:为了避免潜在的投标人过多, 项目招标公告只在本市日报上发布,且采用邀请招标方式招标。

项目施工招标信息发布后,共有12 家潜在的投标人报名参加投标。业主认为报名参加投标的人数太多,为减少评标工作量,要求招标代理公司仅对报名的潜在投标人的资质条件、 业绩进行资格审查。





(4)D 投标人投标文件函盖有企业及企业法定代表人的印章,但没有加盖项目负责人的印章;

(5)E 投标人与其他投标人组成了联合体投标,附有各方资质证书,但没有联合体共同投标协议书;


经过标书评审,A投标人被确定为中标候选人。发出中标通知书后,招标人和A 投标人进行了合同谈判,希望A 投标人能再压缩工期、降低费用。经谈判后双方达成一致:不压缩工期,降价3%。

