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     By analyzing academic data from 10 states,representing the testing of more than 7.2 millions of youths,US researchers found that gender differences in math scores were extremely small among all ethnic

groups in grades 211.

     These findings are in contrast to earlier results from 1990 that indicate measurable differences favoring males in complex problemsolving,beginning in the high school years.

    Janet Hyde from University of Wisconsin and colleagues reported their study results in the journal

Science on Friday.

      Currently,women are largely absent from the highest levels of careers in mathematics,the physical

sciences,and engineering.In the United States,Ph.D.programs in engineering currently average only about

15 percent women,and similar statistics have led to stereotypes (成见) about girls and women lacking in

mathematical ability.

     Now,it is clear that the general population no longer shows a gender difference in mathematical skills,

according to this latest report.

     And this new data on academic performance in the United States shows that students are tested frequently on "recall" and "skill/concept" items,but rarely on "strategic thinking" (战略思维) or "extended thinking" concepts.

If standardized tests do not assess the sorts of reasoning that are crucial to careers in science and math,

the skills may not be taught,putting American students at a disadvantage to students in other countries

where testing and instruction focuses on more challenging content."This is a gap that should be fixed,"

Hyde said.

1. What is the best title of the passage?

A. A new study result about math.

B. No gender differences in math.

C. Girls are not good at math.

D. Girls do better in math than boys.

2. Earlier research results________.

A. are the same as that of this latest report

B. support gender differences in math

C. indicate girls prefer to solve complex problems

D. are the roots of many stereotypes about women

3. The underlined word "crucial" in the last paragraph most probably means________.

A. limited  

B. available  

C. important  

D. equal

4. What Hyde said in the last paragraph means that________.

A. standardized tests should assess different classes around the world

B. testing and instruction should focus on more challenging content in the USA

C. students in other countries are cleverer than American students

D. students should be tested frequently on "recall" and "skill/concept" items

5. The passage is most probably taken from________.

A. a learning guide  

B. a research paper

C. a personal diary  

D. a newspaper


1-5: BBCBD



人类为了寻找食物,经常还过着一种漂泊不定的生活,因之漂泊到什么地方,即随便找处临时夜宿处。这种时常迁徙但又随遇而安的居住方式,应当视作人类从巢居形式进入穴居形式所经历的一个过渡阶段。 在人类对自然界的风霜雨雪处于被动地位的情况下,洞穴应该是个理想的住所,但洞穴多为猛兽的巢穴,常常可望而不可得。随着人类实践经验的积累和知识的发展,终于发现了火的作用,而火被人类所使用,为人类占据洞穴,进入穴居生活提供了先决条件。这个时期的人类的狩猎能力也有所提高,再加上火这一威慑野兽的自然力量,使人类有能力驱逐虎豹熊罴,占据洞穴,从而进入穴居生活。这种天然岩洞足以抵挡不良气候的侵袭,人们在洞口或洞里点上一堆火,使野兽不敢近前,并给洞穴光明,同时把洞内烤得干燥、温暖。在当时来说,这确实是个舒适的住所。 从现在的考古资料来看,早在中更新世内,生活在山地的人们便逐渐开始了穴居生活。例如,北京人居住的山洞内用火的灰烬达7米厚,足见北京人曾长期居住在这里。在法国东南的瓦伦尼洞中也发现了中更新世的石器和一些兽骨。晚更新世的智人,以德国尼安德特人的穆期特文化为例,也是在山洞中发现的。……现代人的遗迹也是发现于洞穴中,最典型的现代人代表是在法国的克鲁麦囊洞穴和意大利的格里马第洞穴中发现的。中国现代人的典型山顶洞人(距今1.8万年前)也是在洞穴中发现的。由此可见,人类穴居的时代非常长。




