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Each year, prizes are presented to adults who accomplish great things in art, writing, science, and economics.So why not give awards to kids?

Harry Leibowitz asked himself that question in 1996.As an answer, he and his wife, Kay, created the World of Children organization and began handing out awards to kids and adults whose work has helped kids all over the world.The awards World of Children presents are nicknamed the "Children's Nobel Prize." On Thursday, World of Children honored six adults and two kids at its 11th Annual Changemakers for Children awards ceremony held at the UNICEF House at United Nations Plaza in New York City.

Talia Leman, from Iowa, was awarded a Founder's Youth Award for Leadership.She is only 13 years old, but she has accomplished a lot.In 2005, she founded "RandomKid." Since then, the nonprofit organization has raised more than $10 million to help kids in 48 states in the U.S.and in 19 other countries develop funding solutions to real-world problems.One place helped by RandomKid was a school built in Cambodia to enable 300 kids to go to school.The organization has also helped fix a school for 200 kids in Slidell, Louisiana, and provided interactive play centers that serve more than 500 kids in hospitals in Iowa.In faraway places like Africa, RandomKid has provided money for the purchase of water pumps.

Talia never thought that the organization she founded would be as successful as it has become."I did a project called TLC, which meant Trick or Treat for the Levy Catastrophe, where kids would trick-or-treat for coins along with getting candy," she told me."My goal was to raise $1 million.That seemed really high, but when you reach a goal, you always wind up reaching higher--and we actually raised $10 million." The money RandomKid raised provided help to the victims of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

56.The World of Children organization was created to _____.

A.answer questions from chilren     B.match the Adults’ Nobel Prize

C.give awards to chilren in poor areas    D.honour anyone who has helped kids in need

57.Talia Leman was honourd by the World of Children _____.

A.because of her sucessful work in RandomKid

B.because she gave the organization over $10 million

C.because of her solutions to the many world affairs

D.because she was chairman of RandomKid

58.In order to help kids, the organization RandomKid has done all the following EXCEPT _____.

A.building a school in Asia  

B.providing play centers for sick children

C.solving the water-drinking problem for African children

D.helping 300 Cambodian kids to go to school in America

59.How did the kids in RandomKid collect money?

A.They got paid by working at a building project at weekends.

B.They called at houses and threatened to play tricks if they receive nothing.

C.They gave performances to passers-by by playing trick-or treat games.

D.They helped a project called TLC sell candy after school.


56---59    DADB  


56.D考查细节理解。根据第二段“began handing out awards to kids and adults whose work has helped kids all over the world”可知:创立该组织的目的是为了奖励为儿童事业作出过杰出贡献的人。

57.A考查细节理解。根据第三段内容可知,“儿童世界”组织为Talia Leman颁奖是因为她在RandomKid组织中的突出贡献。


59.B考查推理判断。根据最后一段“would trick-or-treat for coins along with getting candy”意义可知:孩子们是挨家挨户索要,运用万圣节“若不给则搞恶作剧(trick-or-treat)”的方式进行。


1997年7月,青岛某化工厂(以下简称青岛厂)与武汉化学制剂厂(以下简称武汉厂)在苏州签订了一份原料买卖合同。双方约定在1999年9月至2000年2月之间由青岛厂用罐装车分3批向武汉厂发送化工原料共30吨,货到付款。同年9月,青岛厂向武汉厂发运原料首批10吨,并在货到后第 3天收到该批货款30万元。10月初,市场上该化工原料价格上扬,青岛厂不再发货。武汉厂无奈之下;只能高价向别的厂家购买。同年11月底,由于生产厂家过多,此种化学原料价格下跌,青岛厂马上一次性发货20吨,并在装车待运前通知武汉厂接货。武汉厂立即通知青岛厂,要求不要发货并解除双方签订的买卖合同。青岛厂不同意,强行发货。货到武汉后因无法储存,武汉厂只得将该批化工原料转让给上海某化学品厂,谁知承运货物的武汉某运输厂的货轮在安庆江面撞上南京轮船厂正常运行的客轮,货船上部分化工原料泄漏至江面,污染了沿江贝类养殖场。同年12月初,青岛厂向武汉广催要货款,双方发生争议。根据上述情况,回答下列问题:

如果青岛厂向有关有管辖权的人民法院起诉。武汉厂应诉答辩,后在审理过程中武汉厂主张起诉前双方曾以传真方式进行协商,合意由济南仲裁委员会仲裁,并出示了相关证据,此时审理本案的人民法院不应作如何处理( )



