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Following the nuclear at the Fukushima (福岛) nuclear power station in Japan, Germany has decided to abandon the use of nuclear energy sooner than it had planned.

Germany was planning to cut its use of nuclear power slowly over 25 years. But now, the government has speeded up its program. Germany’s government has said that seven of its 17 nuclear reactors (反应堆) will stop working for three months for safety checks.

Nuclear power has been very unpopular in Germany since the Chernobyl (切尔诺贝利) nuclear reactor disaster in Ukraine (乌克兰) in 1986. Since then, the country has been working on developing new resources of energy.

The plan to give up nuclear power will cost the country at least 150 billion euros (1.4 trillion yuan)) in investment. Experts say this will likely lead to a rise in electricity prices.

Some experts think Germany is setting a good example for countries such as the US to follow. Germany now gets 23 percent of its energy from nuclear power –about as much as the US.

However, France, which relies on nuclear energy for more than 70 percent of its power, shows no sign of changing its policy.


We can most probably read the article _______. 

A.in a newspaper

B.in a pamphlet(小册子)

C.in an advertisement

D.in a textbook小题2:

The most appropriate heading for this article is _______.

A.Germany to develop its new resources of energy

B.Nuclear power no longer popular in Germany

C.Germany to have safety checks for some nuclear reactors

D.Germany to end its nuclear energy program小题3:

According to the article, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT______.

A.In both the US and Germany, approximately a quarter of their energy are from nuclear power now.

B.The explosion of some Fukushima nuclear reactors has quickened Germany’s pace to abandon nuclear energy.

C.France, which relies on nuclear energy for more than 70 percent of its power, will follow Germany and cut its use of it at any cost.

D.The Chernobyl nuclear disaster seemingly cast a huge shadow over the Germans, making them increasingly suspicious of the safety of nuclear energy.





单项选择题 A1/A2型题



②如果这位同学先如①中的操作,然后不断改变对小车的拉力F,他得到M(小车质量)保持不变情况下的a—F图线是下图中的        (填选项代号的字母).




a                           ;        b                           

②该同学经正确操作得到如图乙所示的纸带,取连续的六个点,测得h1、h2、h3、h4、h5.若打点的周期为T,则打E点时速度为vE=     ;若分别计算出各计数点对应的速度数值,并在坐标系中画出v2与h的关系图线,如图丙所示,则重力加速度 g=     m/s2