问题 多项选择题

Topic 1 (选题一) ^艾滋病艾滋病是一种威胁生命的疾病,他侵袭人体内的自然免疫系统,破坏人体的自卫能力。艾滋病本身并不致命,但是,由于人体的免疫系统遭到破坏,病人几乎没有能力来抵御其他许多疾病的侵袭,例如,肺炎、癌症、致盲性疾病和精神错乱。艾滋病病毒存在于人的体液中,这种病毒可以通过性生活或共用静脉注射器传播,也可以通过血制品传播,并且可以从患艾滋病的孕妇身上传播给她的妊娠婴儿。有关艾滋病传播的许多说法是错误的。与艾滋病患者一起工作或上学不会传染上艾滋病,触摸他们用过的饮水杯或其他东西也不会传染上艾滋病。专家们说:没有人因为与艾滋病患者一起生活、照料艾滋病患者或触摸艾滋病患者而染上艾滋病。#Topic 2 (选题二)^时间之谜如果你能够看懂时钟,你就可以知道一天的时间,但是谁也不知道,时间本身究竟是什么。时间是看不到、摸不着、听不见的,我们只能通过记录时间消逝的办法才知道时间的存在。虽然我们成功地测量了时间的分分秒秒,但时间仍然是宇宙间极其神秘的现象之一。思考时间的一个方法是摄像一个没有时间的世界。那样,就不可能有运动了,因为时间和运动是不可分开的。一个没有时间的世界只有在没有变化的情况下才能存在。因为时间和变化是联系在一起的。当某件事发生变化时,你知道时间已经流逝。在现实世界里,变化是永无止境的,有一变化,如月食,只发生在瞬间,而另一变化则反复出现,比如日出和月落。人民一直注意那反复出现的自然现象,在人民开始计算这现象时,他们就开始测定时间了。#


参考答案:选题一 AIDS AIDS is a life-threatening sickness that attacks the body’s natural defense system against disease.It can destroy the body’s ability to protect itself. AIDS itself does not kill.But because the body’s defense system is damaged,the patient has little ability to fight off many other diseases,such as pneumonia,cancer,blindness and mental disorders. The AIDS virus is carried in a person’s body fluids.The virus can be passed sexually or by sharing instruments used to take intravenous drugs.It also can be passed in blood products or from a pregnant woman with AIDS to her developing baby. Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false.You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease.You cannot get it by touching drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons.Experts say no one has gotten AIDS by living with,caring for or touching an AIDS patient.选题二 MYSTERY OF TIME If you can read a clock, you can know the time of day. But no one knows what time itself is. We cannot see it. We cannot touch it. We cannot hear it. We know it only by the way we mark its passing. For all our success in measuring the tiniest parts of time, time remains one of the great mysteries of the universe. One way of thinking about time is to imagine a world without time. Then there could be no movement, because time and movement cannot be separated. A world without time could exist only as long as there were no changes. For time and change are linked. When something changes, you know time has passed. In the real world, changes never stop. Some changes happen only once in a while, like an eclipse of the moon. Others happen repeatedly, like the rising and setting of the sun. People have always noted natural events that repeat themselves. When people began to count such events,they began to measure time.

解析:选题一1. 艾滋病AIDS。

[分析]:基本素质采分点。专有名词,全称为:Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome。2. 免疫系统defense system。

[分析]:用词选词采分点。免疫力immunity。immune有免疫力的:I am immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.我种过牛痘了,所以对天花有免疫力。这里的免疫系统,可以用immune system来表示有免疫力的系统,但是最好用defense system来指防止病毒入侵身体的防卫系统。3. 艾滋病是一种威胁生命的疾病,它侵袭人体内的自然免疫系统,破坏人体的自卫能力。AIDS is a life-threatening sickness that attacks the body’s natural defense system against disease.It can destroy the body’s ability to protect itself.

[分析]:理解结构采分点。采用分句翻译法。原文是三个分句组成的一个复合句,但译文分成两个句子。(1)把前两个句子合成一个含有定语从句的复合句。即,AIDS is a life-threatening sickness that attacks the body’s natural defense system against disease.(2)第三个分句译成独立句子。有时按照汉语的习惯而翻译出来的句子在英语中是冗长而且句意模糊不清的,所以有必要分开翻译。4. 这种病毒可以通过性生活或共用静脉注射器传播,也可以通过血制品传播,并且可以从患艾滋病的孕妇身上传播给她的妊娠婴。The virus can be passed sexually or by sharing instruments used to take intravenous drugs.It also can be passed in blood products or from a pregnant woman with AIDS to her developing baby.

[分析]:理解结构采分点。原句是由多个并列动词构成的简单句,可采用断句法翻译成两句话。译文中的两个分句中都使用了原文中动词pass表示“传播”。原文的介词短语“通过……”和“从……”在译文分句中都使用了副词或介词短语表示,即,passed sexually or by sharing instruments…和passed in blood products or from a pregnant woman…。“传播”也可译成carry。5. 与艾滋病患者一起工作或上学不会传染上艾滋病,触摸他们用过的饮水杯或其他东西也不会传染上艾滋病。You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease.You cannot get it by touching drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons.

[分析]:理解结构采分点。采用分句法译成两句话,同时在译文中添加主语you。选题二1. 看懂时钟read a clock。

[分析]:选词用词采分点。Read中文指“看、读、理解……的意义”。read a clock也是一个习惯用法。例如:A motorist must be able to read the traffic signs,机动车驾驶员必须能看懂交通标志。2. 时间是看不到、摸不着、听不见的,我们只能通过记录时间消逝的办法才知道时间的存在。We cannot see it.We cannot touch it.We cannot hear it.We know it only by the way we mark its passing.

[分析]:理解结构采分点。原文是一个复合句,译成一个复合句和三个简单句以便内容更简单明了。原文“知道时间的存在”中的“存在”应该省掉不译,译文中的know已有此意。3. 虽然我们成功地测量了时间的分分秒秒,但时间仍然是宇宙间极其神秘的现象之一。For all our success in measuring the tiniest parts of time,time remains one of the great mysteries of the universe.

[分析]:理解结构采分点。采用合句翻译法把原文的从句译为介词短语来作状语。这样句子结构更紧凑,也更符合英语习惯。4. 时间的分分秒秒the tiniest parts of time。

[分析]:选词用词采分点。“时间的分分秒秒”也可以直译为every minute and every second。5. 一个没有时间的世界只有在没有变化的情况下才能存在。A world without time could exist only as long as there were no changes.

[分析]:理解结构采分点。本句译文要用虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反的情况。6. 在现实世界里,变化是永无止境的,有一些变化,如月食,只发生在瞬间,而另一些变化则反复出现,比如日出和日落。In the real world,changes never stop.Some changes happen only once in a while,like an eclipse of the moon.Others happen repeatedly,like the rising and setting of the sun.

[分析]:理解结构采分点。原文的一句话要译成三个简单句。“永无止境”可以翻译成never stop,without ceasing等。7. 人们一直注意那些反复出现的自然现象,在人们开始计算这些现象时,他们就开始测定时间了。People have always noted natural events that repeat themselves.When people began to count such events,they began to measure time.


单项选择题 A1/A2型题