问题 填空题
most, some, all a few, half, none
Number of students: 40
Number of students who can :
do the highjump40climb arope20surf0
do the longjump39do a cart-wheal15dive0
run the400-meterrace40dosit-ups40swim12
run the100-meterhurdles35do asomer-sault6skate-board32
throw theshot-put20do ahand-stand39dopushups40
1. _____ of the students can do a handstand.
2. _____ of the students can dive and surf.
3. _____ of the students can run the 400-meter race.
4. _____ of the students can throw the shot put.
5. _____ of the students can do a somersault.

1. Most   2. None   3. All   4. Half   5. Some / A few
