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下列说法中正确的有( )。







解析: E企业不能向管理人主张抵销权。根据规定,债权人在破产申请受理前对债务人负有债务的,可以向管理人主张抵销。但是,债权人已知债务人有不能清偿到期债务或者破产申请的事实,对债务人负担债务的,不能抵销。但是,债权人因为法律规定或者有破产申请1年前所发生的原因而负担债务的除外。F企业的主张不符合规定。根据规定,人民法院受理破产申请后,债务人的出资人尚未完全履行出资义务的,管理人应当要求该出资人缴纳所认缴的出资,而不受出资期限的限制。管理人应当追回甲公司的董事王某据为己有的财产。根据规定,债务人的董事、监事和高级管理人员利用职权从企业获取的非正常收入和侵占的企业财产,管理人应当追回。



Around half of all teenagers in the UK are putting themselves at risk of food poisoning because they don't wash their hands before eating or after visiting the toilet, a new survey indicates, To coincide with National Food Safety Week, researchers from the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) conducted a survey of over 500 people aged between 11 and 19 about their hygiene and eating habits. Their survey showed that 57 percent of teenagers admitted to not always washing their hands after visiting the toilet or before lunch at school. Of these, over two-thirds ate lunch, such as sandwiches or a burger, with their hands.

Furthermore, 40 percent of those who do wash their hands do not always use soap. And 75 percent said they dry their hands on their clothes when in a hurry—damp hands spread around 1,000 times more germs (病菌) than dry ones. Excuses that teenagers gave for not washing their hands ranged from not having enough time (24 percent) to dirty and unhygienic facilities (26 percent) and forgetfulness (22 percent).

Food safety expert Hugh Pennington, professor of Microbiology at Aberdeen University, said, "The best news about food safety is that one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to do it properly. The had news is that even a simple and obvious thing like hand washing—which protects incredibly well—is seen by many people as good health theory, but not actually put into practice."

Martin Paterson, deputy director general of the FDF, said that teens' hygiene habits before eating were a recipe for disaster, adding that although most know how food poisoning could occur, the majority do not take simple measures to prevent it. "Of course teenagers don't want to be overprotected," he said, "but with up to 5.5 million cases of food poisoning a year, we clearly need to keep informing people of simple food hygiene messages in fun and imaginative ways, to remind people of all ages how they can continue to enjoy their food safely."

53.The author implies that it is important to dry hands because      .

A.some students dry their hands on their clothes

B.wet hands can cause students to catch cold

C.damp hands are more likely to spread germs

D.damp hands take 1,000 times longer to dry

54.By saying "one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to do it properly" (Para. 3), Hugh Pennington means "____".

A.it isn't necessary to go to outer space to practice food safety

B.practicing food safety isn't as important as space exploration

C.it's not a must to practice food safety

D.practicing food safety isn't terribly difficult

55.Educated about food poisoning, most teenagers      .

A.still get food poisoning at least once a year

B.still fail to take simple measures to avoid it

C.are able to avoid food poisoning

D.are concerned about their food safety

56.What is the main message conveyed in the text?

A.Many UK teenagers are at risk of food poisoning.

B.Food poisoning in the UK is on the rise.

C.Drying hands after washing is important.

D.British schools need to improve their sanitation levels.
