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案例五 一般资料: 求助者,女性,54岁, 某国企部门经理。 案例介绍:求助者与丈夫感情好,家庭条件优越。今年春节前得知儿子是同性恋,当时就被气疯了,丈夫和儿子翻身激烈的争吵。在接下来的两天里,求助者和丈夫都没有去上班,丈夫时而唉声叹气,时而火冒三丈,求助者则是默默流泪,两人都有一种绝望的感觉,感觉二十几年的努力白费了。大约三天之后,两人慢慢恢复平静,但求助者饮食、睡眠比以前差了很多,时常觉得胸闷、心慌、一想起儿子就会头疼。虽然每天能够上下班,但工作提不起精神, 经常丢三落四,有时还因为自己的失误对下属发脾气。看到公司里和自己儿子年龄相仿的小伙子们在一起吃饭聊天就觉得别扭,怀疑他们的性取向也不正常。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:求助者衣着整洁但精神疲倦,焦虑,谈到儿子便会流泪。几个月来,儿子没有回过家,虽然打过几个电话,但交流很不愉快。求助者也因为儿子的问题不愿与亲戚朋友见面或通电话,觉得丢人。求助者希望咨询师不仅要帮助自己,更要帮助纠正儿子的性取向,让儿子成为一个正常人。










                                                   Are Societies Ageing Too Fast?

     An ageing society is one in which the population of people over the age of 60 is increasing. The global

population at present is about 6 billion with l person in every 10 aged 60 or above. 1._____ This will mean

that for the first time in human history the population of older persons will be larger than the population of

children! What are the causes of this population change?

     2._____ And another is that birth rates have dropped as people, especially women, are educated. Measures

to slow population growth like China's one-child policy, have also contributed to lowered birth rates. The

increase in the aged population is not just an interesting trend, however; it also has severe implications for the

future of global economies.

     People traditionally retire at 65 and live on government pensions. 3._____ Another concern is that as medical

expenses increase with age, the demands of the growing aged population will eventually cause medical systems

to face bankruptcy (破产).

     4._____ They suggest that because people are living longer, they ought to work longer, while governments

need to establish a sound social security system. They also suggest that individuals start saving as soon as

possible to ensure a financially secure retirement. People should also develop good health habits in their youth

to ensure an active and productive old age. 5._____ By finding cures for diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer,

medical bills and the need for care would be drastically reduced.

     Finally, an important step to ensure a bright future for all is to do away with negative stereotypes that see

valuable members of society only as pensioners or patients. It's high time we stopped seeing ageing as a disease

and started playing our parts in securing the future of our ageing societies.

A. Due to ageing problem, cities are facing more challenges.

B. Experts insist that steps should be taken now to prepare for the future.

C. As people grow older, a huge financial burden will be placed on the government.

D. Biomedical research is another tool we can use to deal with the problems of ageing societies.

E. One reason is that dramatic health advances have added 20 years to the average life expectancy.

F. The United Nations projects that by 2050, it will be l in every 5.

G. As is known to all, good habits lead to good health.
