问题 多项选择题



就该旅客运送合同,下列有关条款的说法正确的有哪些( )







解析:[考点] 格式条款[详解] “如发生意外,概不负责”属于格式条款中的免责条款,依《合同法》第53条的规定,并非所有格式条款中的免责条款均无效,而本题中李某提出的对意外事故免责的要求不属于《合同法》规定的无效情形。故A项错误B项正确。一方当事人乘对方处于危难之机,为牟取不正当利益,迫使对方作出不真实的意思表示,严重损害对方利益的,可以认定为乘人之危。本题中是张某主动提出“加倍付费”,不属于乘人之危,该约定有效,故C项正确D项错误。


Part 2

Questions 9-18

·Read the following passage and answer questions 9-18.
1. When Christopher Columbus landed on America’s shores, he encountered copper-shinned people whom he promptly called "Indians". Current estimates indicate that there were over a million Indians inhabiting North American then. There are approximately 800,000 Indians today, of whom about 250, 000 live on reservations.
2. The early settlers had an amicable relationship with Indians, who shared their knowledge about hunting, fishing, and farming with their uninvited guests. The stereotyped stealthy, wicked Indian of western movies are created by different faithless white man; the Indian was born friendly.
3. Disgust developed between the Indians and the settlers, whose encroachment on Indian lands provoked an era of turbulence. As early as 1745, Indian tribes joined together to drive the French off their land. The French and Indian war did not end until 1763. The Indian had succeeded in destroying most of the settlements. The British, superficially submissive to the Indiana, promised that further migrations west would not extend beyond a specified boundary.
4. Vacated from their lands or, worse still, frankly giving their property to the whites for few baubles, Indians were ruthlessly pushed west. The battle in 1876 at Little Horn river in Montana, in which setting Bull and the Sioux tribes massacred General Custer’s cavalry, caused the whites intensify their campaign against the Redman. The battle at Wound Knee, South Dakota, in 1890 put an end to the last vestige of hope for amity between Indians and whites.
5. Although the Bureau of lndian affairs has operated since 1842, presumably for the purpose of guarding Indians "interests", Indian on reservations lead notoriously deprived lives. In recent times Indians have taken a militant stand and appealed to the courts and the American people to improve their substandard living conditions.

Questions 9-13

·For questions 9-13, choose the best title for each paragraph from below.
·For each numberedparagraph (1-5), mark one letter (A-G) on the Answer Sheet.
·Do not mark any letter twice.
9. Paragraph 1: ______
  • A. Indians, once the master of America, now live in their
    10. Paragraph 2: ______
  • B. Indians were pushed away.
    11. Paragraph 3: ______
  • C. The wars between Indian and the settlers.
    12. Paragraph 4: ______
  • D. Indians arestill fighting for the improvement of their lives.
    13. Paragraph 5: ______
  • E. The relationship between Indians and the early settlers.
  • F. Indians were ferocious savages.
  • G. Indian’s struggle for their own possessions.