问题 多项选择题

下列各种法律解释哪些不属于学理解释( )







解析: 法律解释根据主体不同,可以分为正式解释和非正式解释,其中正式解释又称有权解释或法定解释,这种解释具有法律效力,题中C项即属此类。在非正式解释中,凡是在司法活动中的当事人及其代理人、律师对于法律的解释和公民在日常生活中对法律的解释,称为任意解释;由教学机构、学术团体、法学家和法学工作者在学术研究、法学教学和法制宣传教育中对法律进行的解释属学理解释。

     I took up skydiving in my twenties.At the time the accident happened, I'd done just 30 jumps.The
airfield was quiet when I __1__.On board were Chris, who was taking a tourist, and Ants, the
cameraman.Chris indicated I should exit first and the other three would __2__.Later I knew it was this
__3__ that saved my life.
     At 12,000 feet Chris rolled up the door and nodded that it was time for my exit.I put my foot on a
step just beside the door, and in a(n) __4__ the propeller blast (螺旋桨气流) threw me against the
__5__ of the plane, half in, half out.I pushed and got my other leg out of the door, but in doing so I
found myself __6__ the body of the plane towards the tail.My parachute (降落伞) got caught and my
__7__ and legs were pushed backwards, powerless, in the strong wind.
     I was strangely __8__.To a skydiver, being at 12,000 feet is a good thing.Altitude is your friend;
being close to the ground is deadly and will kill you.
     Ants appeared and __9__ slowly towards me, his legs held by Chris in the door.Ants reached out
and got  hold of my foot.With the weight partly off, I found myself falling away from the plane, __10__
freed.I waved and smiled to indicate I was fine.
      It was actually very __11__.If any one of a number of factors had been different, I would have
__12__.I could have hit the plane with my head.If I had been the last to exit, the pilot alone would have
been unable to free me, and even if he had been aware that I was __13__ underneath the plane, he
would still have had to land at some point.
     Blue Skies, Black Death is the skydivers' mantra (咒语).On the one hand, there's the freedom
and __14__ of the open sky.But in order to __15__this joy, you must accept that there is usually only
one result if something goes wrong.
( )1. A. jumped    
( )2. A. follow          
( )3. A. trouble  
( )4. A. minute  
( )5. A. left  
( )6. A. sliding down  
( )7. A. body  
( )8. A. frightened  
( )9. A. ran  
( )10. A. really  
( )11. A. funny  
( )12. A. died  
( )13. A. attached
( )14. A. pride
( )15. A. observe  
B. arrived      
B. escape        
B. effort        
B. way          
B. right        
B. knocking over
B. arms          
B. anxious      
B. moved        
B. hopefully    
B. ordinary      
B. laughed      
B. adjusted      
B. confidence    
B. experience    
C. woke              
C. leave            
C. chance  
C. instant
C. top
C. crashing into  
C. head  
C. excited  
C. stepped
C. certainly  
C. clear  
C. stopped  
C. covered
C. excitement
C. imagine  
D. dove              
D. fly              
D. decision          
D. sense            
D. side              
D. leaning against  
D. fingers          
D. calm              
D. rushed            
D. finally          
D. serious          
D. returned          
D. connected        
D. willingness      
D. discover          