问题 单项选择题









Both my parents came from towns in Mexico. Then I was born in E1 Paso,Texas and when I was four, my family moved to a housing project in East Los Angeles.

Even though we struggled to make ends meet, my parents stressed to me and my four brothers and sisters how fortunate we were to live in a great country with limitless opportunities. They influenced us with the concepts of family, faith and nationalism.

I got my first real job when I was ten. My dad injured his back working in a cardboard­box factory and was retrained as a hairstylist. He rented space in a little shopping mall and gave his shop the fancy name of Mr.Ben’s Coiffure.

The owner of the shopping center gave Dad a discount on his rent for cleaning the parking lot three nights a week,which meant getting up at 3 a.m..To pick up rubbish, Dad used a little machine that looked like a lawn mower. Mom and I emptied garbage cans and picked up litter by hand. It took two to three hours to clean the lot. I’d sleep in the car on the way home.

I did this for two years,but the lessons I learned have lasted a lifetime. I acquired discipline and a strong work ethic(道德), and learned at an early age the importance of balancing life’s competing interests-in my case,school,homework and a job. This really helped during my senior year of a high school, when I worked 40 hours a week flipping burgers at a fast­food joint while taking a full load of college preparation courses.

The hard work paid off. I attended the U.S.Military Academy and went on to receive graduate degrees in law and business from Harvard. Later, I joined a big Los Angeles law firm and was elected to the California State Assembly(州议会).In these jobs and in everything else I’ve done, I have never forgotten those nights in the parking lot. The experience taught me that there is dignity in all work and that if people are working to provide for themselves and their families that is something we should honor.

59. Before my father got injured,we________.

A. didn’t like living in the USA                   B. lived a poor but happy life

C. were lucky to move to the USA                 D. had many ways to make money

60. When he recovered,to make a living my father________.

A. ran a small shopping mall                  B. did a part­time job

C. worked as a barber                        D. became a street cleaner

61. Working in the parking lot for two years had taught me________.

A. how to obey school discipline             B. how to do two things well at a time

C. that discipline and work were of equal value 

D. that I must do as many things as possible at a time

62. The author tells us in the last paragraph that we should be proud of those who________.

A. have done all kinds of jobs                      B. are cleaning the parking lot

C. have achieved a lot in their lives               D. are bearing their responsibilities


一、注意事项  1.申论考试,是对分析驾驭材料的能力、解决问题能力、语言文字表达能力的测试。  2.作答参考时限:阅读资料40分钟,作答110分钟。  3.仔细阅读给定的资料,按照后面提出的“申论要求”依次作答。 二、给定资料  “海尔”,中国家电业的骄子,世界电器行业新升起的一颗巨星。其产品占有国内家电市场份额的30%以上并出口美国、加拿大、比利时、德国等国家,仅在美国就占有家电市场份额的20%。  “海尔”的成功,引起国内外的广泛关注。国内外众多的媒体都曾进行高频率的报道。  假如你是省经贸委的工作人员,需要你通过“海尔”的成功,探询其成功的奥秘,从而为国有企业与市场经济相结合提出有见地的方案和对策。  (1)1984年,两个濒临倒闭的集体小厂合并成立了青岛电冰箱总厂,由当时担任青岛市家电公司副经理的张瑞敏出任厂长。当时,各种牌号的电冰箱挤满了市场,国外产品蜂拥而入。尽管市场上中国自己的冰箱品牌不少,但没有真正意义上的“名牌冰箱”。名牌还几乎是洋货的代名词。于是,张瑞敏果断提出,“要么不干,要干就要争第一,创名牌”。到厂后,张瑞敏做了一件使全体职工致死也会刻骨铭心的事:将76台劣质电冰箱当众砸毁,并宣布,从他到所有的管理人员全部受罚。从此,全厂职工悟出了一个简单而又深刻的道理:质量是企业的生命,生产劣质产品等于砸自己的饭碗。  (2)1985年,以“琴岛――利勃海尔”命名的电冰箱正式投放市场,很快以高质量、高技术赢得广大消费者的信任。1987年,海尔被48家大型商场联合推举为最受消费者欢迎产品电冰箱类第一名。1989年,原材料价格失控,其他冰箱品牌纷纷降价促销,许多冰箱厂关、停、转的情况下,海尔冰箱始终畅销不衰。  (3)1991年,青岛电冰箱总厂兼并了青岛电冰柜厂和青岛空调器厂,组建了由张瑞敏任总裁的海尔集团公司。冷柜总公司和空调器总公司都是独立的利润中心。集团分别向他们选派了主要领导,投入了适量资金,并输人海尔管理模式。两厂迅速起死回生。1995年7月,青岛政府决定将青岛红星电器股份有限公司整体划归海尔集团,这标志海尔正式进入洗衣机领域。12月,海尔又出资收购了武汉希岛实业股份有限公司60%的股权,成立了武汉海尔电器股份有限公司。  (4)1992年,海尔举债8000万元买了720亩地,决定筹建海尔工业园。 1993年,海尔将经过股份制改造的海尔电冰箱股份有限公司在上海交易所上市,筹得资金3.69亿元。靠着启动资金边投资、边建设、边设计,成片开发、滚动发展。仅用3年即建成了中国目前最大的家电生产基地。  (5)1996年,海尔实现销售收入62亿元、利税3.1亿元。这一年世界500强最后一名企业的年销售额折合成人民币是700亿元,是海尔的十几倍。  (6)海尔的组织结构是:集团下辖冰箱事业发展部、冷柜事业发展部、洗衣机事业发展部、空调事业发展部、金融事业发展部及生物工程事业发展部,事业发展部下辖若干事业分部。集团为投资中心,事业部为利润中心,事业分部为成本中心。  (7)1999年,海尔开始实施国际化战略,目标是使海尔成为国际名牌,进入世界500强。  (8)2000年4月5日,张瑞敏在世界商学院高级经理人教育联盟在亚洲举办的年会的闭幕式上做了《海尔的竞争优势在于创新》的主题报告。主要观点如下:  ――只有淡季的思想,没有淡季的市场。海尔不仅生产出洗涤5公斤衣物的洗衣机,还生产出节水节电的洗涤1.5公斤衣物的“小小神童洗衣机”,远销日本和韩国。  ――用户的难题就是我们的难题。  ――企业就像斜坡上的小球,向下滑落是它的本性。要想使它往上移动,需要两个作用力:一个是止动力,保证它不向下滑,这好比企业的基础工作;一个是拉动力,促使它往上移动,这好比企业的创新能力。且两个动力缺一不可。  ――赛马不相马。我们缺乏的不是人才,而是出人才的机制。海尔在人力资源方面的一个基本做法是“赛马”而非传统的“相马”。即给海尔的每一位员工(上至副总裁下至普通员工)创造一个发挥才能的机会和公平竞争的环境,从而使企业整体充满活力。  ――国际化就是本土化。即当地设计、当地制造、当地销售以及当地融资、当地融智。如在美国,海尔在洛杉矶建立了设计中心,在南卡罗来州建立了生产工厂,在纽约建立了营销公司,三位一体,以形成本土化海尔,其雇员也是美国人。什么时候,美国人不再认为海尔是中国的海尔,而是美国的海尔,海尔在美国就算成功了。

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