问题 阅读理解


[1] Weeks after his wife died, Rao Pingru started to paint pictures of her. From the first time he saw her putting on makeup in a mirror, to their wedding at which they promised “to love and cherish”, to her lying in bed on her final days – all the images of their nearly 60 – year marriage have been food for his art.

[2] “ When I create her with brushstrokes, she is there, and our story doesn’t perish,(死亡)” said Rao, 91, a retired military man and former editor. He has filled 18 albums of drawings in the past four years, which he called Our Story.

[3] At first, the Jiangxi native was only trying to pass time and leave something so his grandchildren could “know about their grandparents” who have been through war, poverty, sickness and, perhaps most importantly, love.

[4] Rao met Meitang as a blind date when he came back from war in 1946. “ It’s a strange thing. You just have to meet the right person to have that feeling,” he said, thinking of how lovely she was. During their early dates, Rao _________________ “the three words”. Instead, he sang a pop song of the time, Rosemary, I love you, to express his feelings, on a park bench in Nanchang, Jiangxi province.

[5] The first two years of their marriage was “ the sweetest time” of Rao’s life, as he recalled, in spite of the turbulence following the war. The couple adopted a happy – go – lucky policy wherever they traveled, worked and lived. They managed to escape robbery by hiding their possessions in tires while Rao was working in Guizhou province.

小题1:What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 12 words)


小题2:What does the underlined word “ food”(Para 1) refer to? (no more than 9 words)


小题3:Why did Rao begin his drawings? (no more than 16 words)


小题4:Please fill in the blank (Para 4)with proper words to complete the sentence. (no more than 5 words)


小题5:What is Rao and his wife’s attitude towards life? (no more than 4words)



小题1: Rao shows his lifelong affection/love for his wife by painting.

小题2: All the images of their nearly 60 – year marriage.

小题3: Because he wanted to pass time and leave something worth memorizing to his grandchildren.

小题4:was too shy to say/ never said

小题5:Happy go lucky/ positive / optimistic.


小题1: Rao shows his lifelong affection/love for his wife by painting.

主旨大意题。本文通过讲述Rao Pingru老人给妻子画像来说明他们之间存在的深厚的爱情。

小题2:All the images of their nearly 60 – year marriage.

推理题。根据第一段最后all the images of their nearly 60 – year marriage have been food for his art. 说明这里的food就是指前句的all the images of their nearly 60 – year marriage是他创作的素材。

小题3:Because he wanted to pass time and leave something worth memorizing to his grandchildren.

细节题。根据文章第三段At first, the Jiangxi native was only trying to pass time and leave something so his grandchildren could “know about their grandparents” who have been through war, poverty, sickness and, perhaps most importantly, love.

小题4: was too shy to say/ never said

推理题。根据he said, thinking of how lovely she was. During their early dates, Rao _________________ “the three words”.说明在最早的几年里,他没有说出“I love you”这三个字。

小题5: Happy go lucky/ positive / optimistic.

细节题。根据文章最后一段The couple adopted a happy – go – lucky policy wherever they traveled, worked and lived.说明他们对待生活的态度是很乐观的。

