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Playing basketball isn’t ladylike. That’s what Jewell Chapman’s high school headmaster told her in 1961 when he was against the girls’ basketball program.

“We were very discouraged, ” said Chapman, a forward(前锋)for her high school team of Des Moines.

Nearly 50 years later, Chapman is back on the playground. She’s 62 and plays for “Hot Pink Grannies”, joining about 10 other women on a team whose uniforms are black trousers and hot pink socks. They play in the Iowa Granny Basketball League.

It’s one of dozens of basketball leagues for women over 50 that have arisen across the country. For some, it’s a chance to exercise and meet people; for others, it’s a once – refused chance to make up.

“You see more and more elderly women’s teams taking part in state and national competitions,” said Michael Rogers, a professor in sports studies at Wichita State University. “In the future it will be something common to have leagues like this.”

Yearly surveys by the National Sporting Goods Association show the number of women aged 55 and older who play basketball at least 50 times a year has grown from 16,000 in 1995 to nearly 131,000 ten years later.

The women on the Hot Pink Grannies are good – natured but competitive when game time comes.

“I think I’m tough” says Colleen Pulliam, 69, showing off her strong arms at her challengers in a game against “Strutters”, known for their bright yellow socks.

Granny Basketball Leagues and similar groups spread quickly through much of the country, including California, Louisiana, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

小题1:Which is right about Chapman?

A.She thinks playing basketball isn’t ladylike.

B.She is now 62 years old and feels discouraged.

C.She plays basketball again about 50 years later.

D.She is a forward in the Hot Pink Grannies.小题2:The underlined sentence “it’s a once – refused chance to make up” in the fourth paragraph means          .

A.it is chance to realize their old dream

B.it is chance to take part in sports

C.it is chance to earn a reputation

D.it is chance to compete for medals小题3:Who is probably a player of “Hot Oink Grannies”?

A.Des Moines.

B.Colleen Pulliam.

C.Michael Rogers.

D.Strutters.小题4:Which of the following statements is true?

A.Some elderly women play basketball with the purpose of getting wealthy.

B.Granny Basketball Leagues have spread all over the USA.

C.The women on the Hot Pink Grannies are good – natured and less competitive.

D.The number of women aged 55 and older who play basketball has greatly increased.

小题5:From the passage we can infer          .

A.in the 1960s, playing basketball wasn’t considered as a girls’ sport

B.the color of the socks is of great importance to granny players

C.more and more granny players are confident about getting higher scores

D.Jewell Chapman’s high school headmaster has already changed his attitude








本文报道了美国涌现出许多55岁以上女士为成员的篮球俱乐部。一些成员是为了锻炼或交友,另一些成员则是为了追求曾经的梦想,如62岁的Jewell Chapman年轻时就因为人们的偏见而放弃了篮球,而在差不多50年之后重返球场。

小题1:细节题。由文章第三段Nearly 50 years later, Chapman is back on the playground.可知,Chapman在将近50年之后重返篮球场。 A项“not ladylike”是60年代Chapman高中校长的认知;B项feels discouraged和D项a forward in the Hot Pink Grannies犯了移花接木的错误。故答案为C.

小题2:推断题。通观全文,这些大龄妇人打篮球并非为名(C)或挣奖牌(D)。Chapman的例子说明,因为妇女打篮球过去被认为not ladylike,许多人因discouraged而放弃,如今重拾梦想。故A项正确。once-refused chance, 曾遭剥夺的机会。

小题3:细节题。文章第六段说Hot Pink队员竞争性强,第七段举出Colleen Pulliam为例说明。A项是学校名;C项是一位教授;D项是球队名。故答案为B.

小题4:A项错在with the purpose of getting wealthy; B项错在all over the USA(见文章最后一段);C项错在less competitive. 据文章倒数第四段可知D项正确。

小题5:推断题。由文章第一、二两段推知,20世纪60年代的时候,篮球被认为不是女孩应该从事的体育活动。B,C, D三项文中没有依据。故答案为A.

单项选择题 A1型题