问题 材料题


材料一 一八八七年,他(严信厚)在宁波北门外湾头,创设了通久源机器轧花厂。初创时,资本五万两,从日本购入蒸汽发动机、锅炉和四十台新式轧花机,雇佣工人三四百人,并聘用日本工程师和技师……到一八九七年,据九月二十一日《中外日报》,该厂“开设有年,生意亦畅,现因新添纺织机器,所有前次所用女工,不敷工作,因此招募女工……闻近日女工向该厂报名者颇多”,这表明该厂发展较为顺利,以后续有扩大。——赵世培等编《浙江近代史》

材料二 (通久源纱厂)纺纱机器现经安妥,开工在即,外洋机器厂派洋人两名来甬(宁波),已为该局雇佣……宁波道台已批示慈溪县的仁乾及其他华商商号,准其建立一个火柴厂制造火柴。他们准备暂时雇佣日本工匠……这是一个新创举,可使中国在这种一向被外国入口货独占的行业中,今后也可分得一分利润。这工厂将设于偏僻的处所,不至于使城市中人觉得讨厌或影响健康。——孙毓棠编《中国近代工业史资料》

材料三 1897年4月,湖广总督张之洞上奏,在概述数年以来中国新式工业兴办情况后,接着指出:“洋商见我工商用新法,深中其忌,百计阻抑,勒价停市。上年江浙湖北等省缫丝纺纱各厂,无不亏折,有歇业者,有推押与洋商者。以后华商有束手之危,洋商成独揽之势。”张之洞此奏是对全国情况的综论,具有普遍性,文中又点浙江,可见问题较为突出。——金普森等《浙江通史》












Disability among the elderly has declined markedly in the United States in the past two decades. In 1984, 25 percent of the elderly population reported difficulty with activities associated with independent living. By 1999, the share had fallen to 20 percent, a decline of one-fifth. Although these basic facts are well known, their interpretation is not clear. Is the reduction in disability a result of improved medical care, individual behavioral changes, environmental modifications that allow the elderly to better function by themselves, or other demographic changes Will the trend continue, or is it time limited What does the reduction in disability mean for years of healthy life and labor force participation

The researchers David Cutler, Mary Beth Landrum, and Kate Stewart focus on disability caused by cardiovascular disease to investigate the role of improved medical care on reductions in disability. By looking at just one condition, they can analyze health shocks and their outcomes in some detail. Cardiovascular disease is a natural condition to analyze, because it is the most common cause of death in the United States and most other developed countries. Also, more is spent on cardiovascular disease than on any other condition, clearly a case where medical care could really matter.

The researchers measure disability as the presence of impairments in. Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs). Their data source, the National Long-Term Care Survey(NLTCS) , includes information on six ADL measures: eating, getting in or out of bed, walking around inside, dressing, bathing, and getting to or using the toilet. There are also questions about eight IADL measures: doing light housework or laundry, preparing meals, shopping for groceries, getting around outside, managing money, taking medications, and making telephone calls. The NLTCS is a nationally representative longitudinal survey of the health and disability profile of the population aged 65 and over.

Cutler and his co-researchers find that reduced disability associated with cardiovascular disease accounts for a significant part of the total reduction in disability--between 14 and 22 percent. The evidence suggests that improvements in medical care, including both increased use of relevant procedures and pharmaceuticals, led to a significant part of this decline in disability. Regions with higher use experienced substantial reductions in mortality and disability.

While precise data on the implications of reduced disability are lacking, the possible impact of disability reductions is staggering. The researchers estimate that preventing disability after an acute cardiovascular event can add as much as 3.7 years of quality-adjusted life expectancy, or perhaps $ 316,000 of value. The cost of this outcome is significantly smaller. The initial treatment costs range from $ 8,610 to $ 16,332, depending on the procedure used. Further, recent cost analyses reported that annual Medicare spending was lower for the non-disabled than the disabled, which suggests that higher treatment costs may be offset by lower future spending among a more healthy population. By virtually any measure, therefore, the researchers conclude that medical technology after acute cardiovascular episodes is worth the cost.

According to the researchers, reduced disability()

A. is the result of deeline in cardiovascular disease

B. can be realized by increased use of pharmaceuticals

C. is due to improved medical care

D. is mainly caused by improved procedures