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Mona Lisa, the mysterious woman in Leonardo da Vinci's 16th century masterpiece, had just given birth to her second son when she sat for the painting, a French art expert said on Tuesday. The discovery was made by a team of Canadian scientists who used special infrared(红外线) and three-dimensional(三维的)technology to study the paint layers on the work, which now sits in the Louvre museum in Paris.

Bruno Mottin of the French Museums' Center for Research and Restoration said that on very close examination of the painting it became clear that the Mona Lisa's dress was covered in a thin transparent gauze veil.(透明面纱)

"This type of gauze dress was typical of the kind worn in early 16th century Italy by women who were pregnant or who had just given birth. This is something that had never been seen up to now because the painting was always judged to be dark and difficult to examine," he told a news conference.

"We can now say that this painting by Leonardo da Vinci was painted in memory of  the birth of the second son of Mona Lisa, which helps us to date it more precisely to around 1503."The young woman with the ambiguous half smile has been identified as Lisa Gherardini, wife of Florentine merchant Francesco de Giocondo. She had five children.

"People always wrote that Mona Lisa had allowed her hair to hang freely over her shoulders. This greatly surprised historians because letting your hair hang freely during the Renaissance was typical of young girls and women of poor virtue (美德)," he said.

The team had hoped to discover more details about Leonardo’s painting techniques, which the artist used to create a hazy (朦胧的) effect. But scientist John Taylor said the team had been disappointed by the lack of brush stroke(笔触)detail on the painting.

小题1:According to the latest research, Mona Lisa was __________.

A.a woman of poor virtue

B.da Vinci’s second wife

C.a woman who was pregnant

D.the wife of Florentine merchant小题2:We can infer from the test that ___________.

A.The research has been carried out in France

B.Mona Lisa was painted in 1503 at the latest

C.In da Vinci’s time women could only wear short hair

D.the most difficulty is to identify the paint layers小题3:What is probably the best title for the test?

A.Mona Lisa ,the Mysterious Woman

B.Mona Lisa was a New Mother

C.Great Discovery in Painting

D.Leonardo’s Painting Technique小题4:The information reported in the text was first got from _______________.

A.a newspaper

B.the Internet

C.a news conference

D.the museum







小题1:细节题:从文章倒数第三段的句子:The young woman with the ambiguous half smile has been identified as Lisa Gherardini, wife of Florentine merchant Francesco de Giocondo.可知蒙娜丽莎是佛罗伦萨商人的妻子,选D

小题2:推理题:从文章第二段的句子:Bruno Mottin of the French Museums' Center for Research and Restoration said that on very close examination of the painting it became clear that the Mona Lisa's dress was covered in a thin transparent gauze veil.可以推断出这个研究一直在法国进行的,选A

小题3:标题确定题:从第一段的句子:Mona Lisa, the mysterious woman in Leonardo da Vinci's 16th century masterpiece, had just given birth to her second son when she sat for the painting, a French art expert said on Tuesday.可知当时蒙娜丽莎刚刚生了她第二个儿子,可知蒙娜丽莎是个新妈妈,选B

小题4:细节题:从文章第三段的句子:This is something that had never been seen up to now because the painting was always judged to be dark and difficult to examine," he told a news conference.可知文章中报道的信息最初是在新闻发布会上得到的,选C

单项选择题 A1型题


材料一 自宣德东去东角楼,乃皇城东南角也。十字街南去姜行。高头街北去,从纱行至东华门街、晨晖门、宝箓宫,直至旧酸枣门,最是铺席要闹……东去乃潘楼街,街南曰“鹰店”,只下贩鹰鹘客,馀皆真珠匹帛香药铺席。南通一巷,谓之“界身”,并是金银彩帛交易之所,屋宇雄壮,门面广阔,望之森然,每一交易,动即千万,骇人闻见。……街南桑家瓦子,近北则中瓦,次里瓦。其中大小勾栏五十馀座。内中瓦子、莲花棚、牡丹棚,里瓦子、夜叉棚、象棚最大,可容数千人……瓦中多有货药、卖卦、喝故衣、探搏、饮食、剃剪、纸画、令曲之类。终日居此,不觉抵暮。


材料二 每当人们在中国的文献中查找一种具体的科技史料时,往往会发现它的焦点在宋代,不管在应用科学方面还是在纯粹科学方面都是如此。……中国的科技发展到宋朝,已呈巅峰状态。在许多方面实际上已经超过了18世纪中叶工业革命前的英国或欧洲的水平。


材料三 宋代在哲学方面突破了五代以来沉闷墨守的局面,伴随通经致用,讲求义理以及疑古思潮的兴起,出现了周敦颐、邵雍、张载、程颐、程颢、朱熹、陆九渊为代表的理学等诸多流派。……宋儒诸子融汇各家,援佛入儒,建构成新儒学体系,不仅升华了抽象思辨,而且高扬士人刚健挺拔的道德理性和节操意识。


材料四 文学则文章由重形式改为重自由表达;艺术方面,……则采用表现自己意志的自由方法。音乐方面,……通俗艺术较盛,品味较古的音乐下降,变得单纯以低级的平民趣味为依归。






