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    Your smile is a sign of how you're feeling, and who you are. People with brighter smiles and white teeth

appear youthful, healthy, open to conversation and sure of themselves. A smile sends good messages about

yourself to others-it tells them you look good and feel good. A beautiful smile adds more to confidence than

almost anything else. Get back your confidence, feel younger and healthier, be friendlier and be easy to tallk

to. Smile brightly at the world and you'll look and feel great about yourself!

    There's a simple way that makes whitening your teeth fast and easy-that is really something to smile about!

Hollywood Sexy Smile is sure to whiten your teeth in just 14 days!

    We even offer a guarantee of paying 100% money back without asking any questions!Most of our

competitors won't give you your money back if you're dissatisfied with the results, but we certainly will.

    Don't let a lack of white teeth get you down. Even after years of caffeine (咖啡因), red wine, soft drinks

or smoking you can have amazing white teeth. That charming smile of your favorite star is no longer out of

your reach. It is possible to get a wonderful smile that makes you look and feel fantastic. We all know that a

famous star's smile is worth a million dollars-so why not get your own smile too? Don't delay a minute longer.

Give your appearance and even your self-esteem (自尊) an increase and get Hollywood Sexy Smile now!

    We're so sure that Hollywood Sexy Smile will work for you.

1. Why does the author talk about a person's smile in Paragraph 1? [ ]

A. To explain the relationship between smiling and health.

B. To tell us the importance of white teeth while smiling.

C. To prove that a person with a smile has more chances of becoming a star.

D. To advise us to keep positive by smiling.

2. According to the author, the method of whitening teeth mentioned in the passage is _____. [ ]

A. fast but expensive

B. easy but expensive

C. fast and easy

D. easy and cheap

3. If you aren't satisfied with the results after trying the teeth whitener, _____. [ ]

A. you won't get any money back

B. you will get back double what the product has cost you

C. you will get back all your money

D. you have to explain the reasons

4. What can be inferred from the passage? [ ]

A. Caffeine, red wine and soft drinks are usually bad for people's teeth

B. It takes at least a month to whiten your teeth.

C. People who appear healthy must often smile.

D. Most stars in the world often whiten their teeth.


1-4: BCCA



根据土地利用变更调查结果,2005年全国耕地12208.27万公顷(18.31亿亩);园地1154.90公顷(1.73亿亩);林地23574.11万公顷(35.36亿亩);牧草地 26214.38万公顷(39.32亿亩);其他农用地2553.09万公顷(3.83亿亩);居民点及独立工矿用地2601.51万公顷(3.90亿亩);交通运输用地230.85万公顷(0.35亿亩);水利设施用地359.87万公顷(0.54亿亩);其余为未利用地。与2004年相比,耕地面积减少0.30%,园地面积增加2.31%,林地面积增加0.30%,牧草地面积减少0.21%,居民点及独立工矿用地面积增加1.11%,交通运输用地面积增加 3.37%,水利设施用地面积增加0.26%。
2005年全国耕地净减少36.16万公顷(542.4万亩)。其中,建设占用耕地13.87万公顷(208.1万亩);另外,查出往年已经建设但未变更上报的建设占用耕地面积 7.34万公顷(110.1万亩);灾毁耕地5.35万公顷(80.2万亩);生态退耕39.04万公顷(585.5万亩);因省农业结构调整减少耕地1.23万公顷(18.5万亩);土地整理复垦开发补充耕地30.67万公顷(460.0万亩),土地整理复垦开发补充耕地面积为建设占用耕地的144.56%。
2005年,全国共出让土地面积16.32万公顷,出让价款5505.15亿元。其中,招拍挂出让面积和出让价款分别为5.72万公顷和3920.09亿元,分别占出让总面积和总价款的 35.06%和71.21%。

2005年,新增城镇、村庄建设用地分别占全年新增建设用地总量的比例相差( )。




