问题 综合


(1) 加拿大的                 海域有世界著名大渔场,其形成原因主要是                                                   。(2分)

(2) 埃德蒙顿和蒙特利尔是加拿大重要的石油加工中心,前者的主要区位因素是          ,后者的主要区位因素是     。(2分)

(3) 加拿大人口分布最集中的地区是                                。试分析其形成的主要原因。(6分)


(1) 东部(或纽芬兰岛附近) (1分) 寒暖流交汇给鱼类带来丰富的饵料 (1分)

(2) 原料 (1分) 市场 (1分)

(3) 东南部(或五大湖沿岸和圣劳伦斯河谷地) (1分) 气候适宜; 交通便利; 开发较早; 农业基础较好; 工业发达; 城市密集等(答出其中五点即可)


第(1)题根据所学的洋流对地理环境的影响等相关知识可知世界四大渔场其中之一就是在加拿大的东部的纽芬兰岛附近----纽芬兰渔场。其成因是寒暖流交汇。第(2)题根据图中的图例符号可知在埃德蒙顿附近,其油气资源丰富,它成为加拿大重要的石油加工中心主要是接近原料产地,而蒙特利尔附近没有油气资源,它成为石油加工中心则是接近消费市场。第(3)题根据图中的图例符号可知加拿大人口主要集中分布在其南部走廊地带。原因是南部是其纬度最低处,气候气候适宜,交通便利,开发较早,农业基础较好,工业发达, 城市密集。


     My husband, Bob, died in January 2004. His death was unexpected as well. I __1__ condolences
(哀悼)from people I hadn't heard from in years: letters, cards, flowers, calls, and visits. I took a bad
knock with __2__. I was so struggling to __3__ the whys and hows of this terrible thing that had
happened to my family, knowing in my heart that there really were no __4__. It's just all so sad.
     One message __5__ me deeply. I received a letter from my best friend from sixth __6__ through
high school. We had drifted somewhat since __7__ in 1959, as she stayed in our home town and I did
not.__8__ it was the kind of friendship that could quickly resume even if we __9__ touch for five or ten
     Her husband, Pete, had died perhaps 20 years ago at a young age, __10__ her with deep sorrow
and heavy __11__: finding a job and raising three young children.She and Pete, __12__ Bob and I, had
shared one of those rare, close, "love-of-your-life-you-can-never-forget"__13__.
     In her letter she __14__ an anecdote about my mother who had passed away years ago. She wrote, "When Pete died, your dear mother __15__ me and said, 'Trudy, I don't know what to say...so I'll just
say I love you.'"
     She closed her letter to me repeating my mother's words of so long __16__, "Bonnie, I don't know
what to say...so I'll just say I love you."
     I felt I __17__ almost hear my mother speaking to me now. What a __18__ message of sympathy!
How dear of my friend to cherish it all those years and then __19__ it on to me. I love you.__20__
words. A gift. A legacy(遗赠物).
( )1. A. received    
( )2. A. disappointment  
( )3. A. ask    
( )4. A. answers  
( )5. A. impressed  
( )6. A. grade  
( )7. A. marriage  
( )8. A. Instead  
( )9. A. kept    
( )10.  A. moving  
( )11.  A. opportunities  
( )12.  A. including  
( )13.  A. contacts  
( )14.  A. shared  
( )15.  A. met  
( )16.  A. after  
( )17.  A. must  
( )18.  A. powerful  
( )19.  A. deliver  
( )20.  A. Unnecessary  
B. wrote            
B. relief          
B. experience      
B. skills          
B. touched          
B. class            
B. graduation      
B. Therefore        
B. lost            
B. returning        
B. responsibilities
B. as well as      
B. backgrounds      
B. combined        
B. kissed          
B. away            
B. should          
B. serious          
B. pass            
B. Perfect          
C. sent  
C. grief  
C. explain  
C. explanation  
C. appreciated  
C. sense  
C. quarrel  
C. But
C. got  
C. staying  
C. services  
C. like  
C. interests  
C. achieved  
C. hugged  
C. apart  
C. would  
C. bitter  
C. return  
C. Curious  
D. showed        
D. regret        
D. understand    
D. information    
D. affected      
D. week          
D. settlement    
D. However        
D. engaged        
D. leaving        
D. chances        
D. except for    
D. relationships  
D. remembered    
D. shook          
D. ago            
D. could          
D. sincere        
D. remind        
D. Abstract      