问题 阅读理解
Ticket TypesRegulationsNotes
Single Day  Admission *For all visitors
*On any standard Day other than Peak Day
*One ticket per person, valid(有效的)for one entry on the day of admission
Standard Day tickets refer to the tickets for all visiting days(167 days in total)
except for Peak Days during the Expo.
Special Admission*For the disabled  
* For people born in or before 1950
*For students with valid IDs
*For children above 1.2m
*For Chinese military personnel on active duty
*Valid IDs are required upon ticket purchase and entry
*On any Standard Day other than Peak Day
*One ticket per person, valid for one entry on the day of admission
3 Day  Admission *For all visitors
*Valid for any three days except Peak Days
*One ticket per person, valid for one entry per day

The tickets are designed to meet the multi-entry demand of visitors.

7 Day  Admission * For all visitors
*Valid for any seven days except Peak Days
*One ticket per person, valid for one entry per day

1. _______ can get a Special Admission ticket for himself/ herself.
A. A 56-year-old bus driver      
B. A school girl with her valid student card
C. A policeman in his forties    
D. A U.S. army officer on active duty

2. If you want to enter the Expo Park once every week in one month and don't want to bother to
    buy the ticket each time, you can buy a ______ ticket.
A. Single Day Admission        
B. Special Admission
C. 3 Day Admission            
D. 7 Day Admission

3. The function of the table is to ______ .
A. remind the public of the difficulty buying the Expo tickets
B. show which groups of people can get admission into the Expo Park
C. provide information about the Expo tickets and regulations
D. introduce all the visiting regulations in the Expo Park

1-3: BDC


下列对名著《红楼梦》故事情节叙述正确的两项是(  )(4分)


B.宝玉问黛玉“是几时孟光接了梁鸿案?”黛玉笑道:“谁知他竟真是个好人,我素日只当他藏 * * 。”黛玉于是把始末告诉宝玉,宝玉方知缘故,因笑道:“我说呢,正纳闷‘是几时孟光接了梁鸿案’,原来是从‘小孩儿口没遮拦’就接了案了。” “小孩儿口没遮拦”这件事指的是前儿在宴会上行酒令时失于检点随口说出《西厢记》《牡丹亭》中的句子,后宝钗真诚劝告,解了黛玉的疑癖。


D.刘姥姥忙笑道:“这叫作以毒攻毒,以火攻火的法子。姑奶奶定要依我这名字,他必长命百岁。” 刘姥姥一进荣国府,确是不枉此行,得了一百多两银子,还有好多衣服绸缎瓜果点心,满意而去。临行前刘姥姥给凤姐的女儿取名为巧姐。E. “袭人定了一回, 哭道:"不知紫鹃姑奶奶说了些什么话, 那个呆子眼也直了,手脚也冷了,话也不说了,李妈妈掐着也不疼了,已死了大半个了!连李妈妈都说不中用了,那里放声大哭.只怕这会子都死了!”
