问题 改错题







全民族救亡图存,前赴后继、百折不迴,最终在中 * * 党的领导下,赢得了民族解放。

(3)为摆脱民族危机,中 * * 各阶层发动了多次救亡图存运动,请分别以农民阶级、官僚地主、资产阶级为代表各举一例(3分)

















(3)根据所学,为了救亡,摆脱民族危机,中国社会各阶层都有反映,农民阶级发起太平天国运动和义和团运动,粉碎 了帝国主义企图灭亡中国的企图,地主阶级发起了洋务运动,资产阶级发起戊戌变法,辛亥革命等等。



点评:本题难度较小,考查学生对历史知识的识记能力,新中国的成立标志着中 * * 党领导中国人民英勇奋斗28年,终于取得了中国新民主主义革命的基本胜利,开创了历史的新纪元,中国人民从此站起来了,中国进入了人民当家做主的新时代,是马克思主义普遍原理与中国革命实践相结合的胜利,实践说明了,没有 * * 党就没有新中国。我们要坚持改革开放,努力发展我们的经济,为实现中国梦而努力奋斗。


     In 1941 when Anti-Japanese War was still going on, Xiamen University that Ma Zuzhao aimed to
enter moved to the west of Fujian Province.He had to hurry there to__1__the 2-day entrance
examinations. The last__2__was a test in the Chinese language and literature.__3__ Ma fell victim to
malaria (患疟疾) and ran a fever when he was__4__the requiredcomposition, then he broke into sweat
__5__with fingers darkened.He was about to collapse when a__6__voice showed him concern, "Boy, it
__7__you are ill. Keep calm. If you can bring your fever down, I'll delay the time__8__for you.It was the
slender proctor(监考老师) in blue silk robe who had found his situation and came__9__to him.He told a
servant to fetch a towel and a glass of warm water for Ma, and he said again, "__10__you can resist the
fever, you'll __11__hold out." __12__by those remarks, Ma got his spirits__13__. Wiping off sweat from
his brows, he took two or three pills of quinine (硅宁药片) from his__14__and swallowed them. A few
minutes later he succeeded in shaking off the fever and continued his work. At that time the classroom was
left__35__except Ma and the proctor, who__16__him, "Keep on your work__17__I'll be with you."
Time went on without anybody noticing it.Eventually Ma handed in his paper. He gave a deep__18__to
the proctor to show his heartfelt gratitude. The latter smiled accepting his thanks, "You're strong-minded,
young man. You've proved to be able to be get over__19__". Not until he was admitted to the university
did he get to__20__the proctor was none other than Prof. Liu Tianyu, dean of the college of arts, a very
learned scholar.

( )1. A. attend      
( )2. A. meeting      
( )3. A. Unconsciously
( )4. A. doing        
( )5. A. smiling    
( )6. A. cold        
( )7. A. happens      
( )8. A. game        
( )9. A. downwards    
( )10. A. Unless      
( )11. A. hardly      
( )12. A. Encouraged  
( )13. A. raised      
( )14. A.  paper      
( )15. A. silent      
( )16. A. satisfied  
( )17. A. so          
( )18. A. sense      
( )19. A. happiness  
( )20. A. plan        
B. go          
B. session    
B. Unwillingly
B. speaking    
B. trembling  
B. loud        
B. looks      
B. limit      
B. over        
B. Now that    
B. surely      
B. Discovered  
B. risen      
B. pocket      
B. empty      
B. supported  
B. but        
B. smile      
B. feelings    
B. know        
C. get            
C. place          
C. Uninterestingly
C. writing        
C. pointing      
C. warm          
C. sounds        
C. permit        
C. back          
C. So long as    
C. easily        
C. Persuaded      
C. sunk          
C. stomach        
C. cold          
C. comforted      
C. then          
C. bow            
C. failure        
C. study          
D. catch          
D. moment          
D. Unfortunately  
D. asking          
D. whistling      
D. low            
D. seems          
D. movement        
D. down            
D. Even though    
D. gently          
D. Supposed        
D. arisen          
D. work            
D. friendly        
D. scolded        
D. and            
D. impress        
D. sufferings      
D. meet            