问题 单项选择题 A2型题












Beginning college is exciting: new ideas to explore, new challenges to be met and many decisions to be made; your future begins here.

      小题1:     Many of us can be easily overwhelmed by the details of running a well-balanced life. While some of us may have the know-how, I guess there are more of us who can benefit from learning about the experiences of others who have walked the college halls before you.

The following you may find of use about life on campus:

● Plan well. There are so many new things to do at a new college or university. Give yourself time to make new friends and became familiar with the campus, but don't forget why you are there.      小题2:    

●Don’t miss the guidelines. The restrictions, rules and regulations of all kinds can usually be found in your student’s handbook.       小题3:       What dates are important? What pieces of paper need to be handed in? What can / can’t you do in your student residence(住处)? Who has the right for what? What do you need to complete to graduate?

     小题4:      And maybe it will better help to write it on a piece of paper and stick it on the telephone, TV and the kitchen table. Consider this — you are paying thousands of dollars for your course. You pay every time you have to repeat or replace a course.

●Build your identity. This is the time for you to decide what to do and what not to do. Take as much time as you need to explore new ideas. Do not be afraid of the beyond.    小题5:   . 

A.If you don't have a "system" for planning your time now (like a daytimer, acomputer data book), get one.

B.Give some time for social activities and manage your time wisely.

C.Write the word "STUDY" on the walls of our bedroom and bathroom.

D.You must keep the word "STUDY" in your mind because you are a student.E. However, you will find college life is different from your previous school environment.

F. This is learning to make good choices.

G. Consider them well-balanced food for thought.
