问题 阅读理解与欣赏

        行者道:“你这个呆子!我临别之时,曾叮咛又叮咛,说道:‘若有妖魔捉住师父,你就说老孙是他大徒弟。’怎么却不说我?”八戒又思量道:“请将不如激将,等我激他一激。”道:“哥啊,不说你还好哩。只为说你,他一发无状!” 行者道:“怎么说?”八戒道:“我说:‘妖精,你不要无礼,莫害我师父!我还有个大师兄,叫做孙行者。他神通广大,善能降妖。他来时教你死无葬身之地!’ 那怪闻言,越加忿怒,骂道:‘是个甚么孙行者,我可怕他?他若来,我剥了他皮,抽了他筋,啃了他骨,吃了他心!饶他猴子瘦,我也把他剁碎着油烹!’” 行者闻言,就气得抓耳挠腮,暴躁乱跳道:“是那个敢这等骂我!”八戒道:“哥哥息怒,是那黄袍怪这等骂来,我故学与你听也。”行者道:“贤弟,你起来。不是我去不成,既是妖精敢骂我,我就不能不降他,我和你去。老孙五百年前大闹天宫,普天的神将看见我,一个个控背躬身,称呼大圣。这妖怪无礼,他敢背前面后骂我!我这去,把他拿住,碎尸万段,以报骂我之仇!报毕,我即回来。”八戒道:“哥哥,正是,你只去拿了妖精,报了你仇,那时来与不来,任从尊意。”

1、 联系原著,说说这段文字讲述的是什么故事?


2、 从文段中可以看出猪八戒和孙悟空各有什么性格特点?






2、猪八戒:粗中有细,善于对症下药;憨厚又懂得用心计 孙悟空:心系取经,心系师父,有报恩思想,好胜,好强,自大。

3、我认为,他性格上既有应当否定的一面,又有值得肯定,甚至是值得赞扬的因素。否定的是他贪小利,耍手腕,贪生怕死,懒惰好睡,拈轻怕重,爱发牢骚,怯懦自私,有时还闹着分行李要散伙。但他又值得赞扬,他不忘大义,心底老实,与妖精打斗勇往直前,能坚持把沉重的担子挑到西天,一直跟着队伍,千辛万苦,完成取经任务,所以,他是一个存在着缺点的好人。 (意思对即可)


It is clear that some chemicals can damage the health of animals and humans. (1) , this is not the only problem that (2) be caused by the careless use of chemicals. Chemicals can also (3) the ecological balance of the environment. If the ecological balance is disturbed, the results can be (4) serious.

The (5) of DDT illustrates the problem. DDT, a chemical which kills insects, at first seemed to be a perfect answer (6) many problems. It would control insects that caused dangerous diseases, (7) insects that caused billions of dollars of damage to crops every year. Governments permitted and even (8) the use of DDT. Farmers in many countries (9) to spray it on their crops. The (10) results were good: Damage to crops (11) down, and profits went up. However, the chemical had effects which the scientists didn’t see in (12) . First, it also killed insects which were the (13) enemies of the harmful insects and which were therefore beneficial to farmers. Second, and perhaps worse, DDT did not kill (14) harmful insect. A few insects had natural resistance to the chemical. They (15) and reproduced in large numbers. In a few years there were large numbers of insects which were not (16) by DDT, and there were (17) insects which could act as natural (18) on these new "super-insects". Finally, it became clear that DDT was not solving the insect problem. In fact, it was making the problem worse. It (19) became necessary to find a second (20) for the effects of the first.




