Part of A Bus Schedule
A.11:15P B. 6:15P C. 8:15P D. 10:00P 62. Which of the following airport departures does NOT stop at South Station in Boston? A. 9:15 morning bus B. 12:25 afternoon bus C. 5:25 afternoon bus D. 9:25 evening bus 63. According to the schedule, when the service is available, how many buses per day go from Logan Airport to the University of Maine at Orono? A. 1 B. 3 C. 12 D. 17 64. According to the notes under the schedule, when would students NOT be able to get a bus to the University of Maine from Boston? A.At weekends B. In session. C. During university holidays. D. In the case of bad weather 65. Which of the following best describes the ticket policy of Concord Trail ways? A. Tickets must be booked online. B. Reservations are necessary. C. Tickets can be bought on the travel day. D. Discounts are provided for advanced booking. |
61.A. 62. B. 63. B. 64. C. 65. C.
表格是公汽时刻表的一部分(这里只呈现了向北方向的时刻表),表格上方的read across说明要横向看,除了注意从哪里发车到哪里,还要注意表格前后的提示。
61.A. 根据符号后的内容,只有11:15P这班车有~符号,可知答案为A.
62. B. 注意题目说的是airport departures, 即从airport发车在South Station in Boston不停靠的车,表格中这部分:说明了,上午12:25的车是-----虚线,表示不停靠,而其他的都显示了在South Station in Boston停靠的时间。所以选B。
63. B 横向看,最后一列的顶行写了Arrive Orono - UMaine ** (看后面对**符号的解释部分说了是University of Maine)看这一列可知只有三趟车从机场到达。
64. C. 此题还是接上题要求阅读后面对**符号的解释部分,说明只在University of Maine开学(in session)的时候才有车。所以答案为C。
65. C. 时刻表的右下角有粗体字,强调不需要预订车票,乘坐当天买就可以。所以选C。