问题 问答题

王某与张某育有二子,长子王甲,次子王乙。王甲娶妻李某,并于1995年生有一子王小甲。王甲于1999年5月遇车祸身亡。王某于2000年10月病故,留有与张某婚后修建的面积相同的房屋6间。王某过世后张某随儿媳李某生活,该6间房屋暂时由次子王乙使用。 2000年11月,王乙与曹某签订售房协议,以12万元的价格将该6间房屋卖给曹某。张某和李某知悉后表示异议,后因王乙答应取得售房款后在所有继承人间合理分配,张某和李某方表示同意。王乙遂与曹某办理了过户登记手续,曹某当即支付购房款5万元,并答应 6个月后付清余款。曹某取得房屋后,又与朱某签订房屋转让协议,约定以15万元的价格将房屋卖给朱某。在双方正式办理过户登记及付款前,曹某又与钱某签订了房屋转让协议,以18万元的价格将房屋卖给钱某,并办理了过户手续。 2001年5月,曹某应向王乙支付7万元的购房余款时,曹某因生意亏损,已无支付能力。但曹某有一笔可向赵某主张的到期货款5万元,因曹某与赵某系亲戚,曹某书面表示不再要求赵某支付该货款。另查明,曹某曾于2001年4月外出时遭遇车祸受伤,肇事司机孙某系曹某好友,曹某一直未向孙某提出车祸损害的赔偿请求。问: (1)王某过世后留下的6间房屋应由哪些人分配各自应分得多少为什么? (2)王乙与曹某签订的售房协议是否有效为什么 (3)曹某与朱某、钱某签订的房屋转让协议效力如何如朱某要求履行与曹某签订的合同,取得该房屋,其要求能否得到支持为什么 (4)如王乙请求人民法院撤销曹某放弃要求赵某支付贷款的行为,其主张能否得到支持为什么如王乙要求以自己的名义代位请求孙某支付车祸致人损害的赔偿金,其主张能否得到支持为什么



解析:(1)王某过世后留下的6间房屋应由张某、王乙、王小甲继承;其中,张某分得4间,王乙,王小甲各分得1间。理由:该6间房屋系王某与张某二人在婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产,因而属于王某与张某共同所有。根据继承法的规定,配偶、字女、父母为第一顺序法定继承人,因此,本题中,张某、王甲、王乙为第一顺序法定继承人,主甲之子王小甲享有代位继承权。王某死后,首先应由张某获得其中的三间,余下的3间房屋在第一顺序法定继承人之间平均分配。 (2)王乙与曹某签订的售房协议有效。理由:虽然6间房屋不是王乙个人所有,但其出卖房屋的行为已经得到了有关权利人的认可(王小甲为无民事行为能力人,经过其监护人李某认可)。 (3)曹某分别与朱某、钱某签订的房屋转让协议均为有效。理由:曹某从王乙手中购买了6间房屋便成为房屋的所有人,也就是有权处分该6间房屋,且该合同订立主体合格、意思表示真实、内容合法,其他方面也符合法律的有关规定。至于曹某与朱某未办理过户登记手续只影响到所有权的转移,并不影响买卖合同的效力。 如果朱某要求履行与曹某签订的合同,取得该房屋,其要求不能得到支持。因为曹某已经取得了该房屋的所有权,曹某履行不能。理由:虽然曹某先后与朱某、钱某签订的买卖合同均为有效,但曹某与钱某办理了过户登记手续,该6间房屋即转归钱某所有,这也就意味着曹某无法再履行其向朱某转移房屋所有权的义务,即构成履行不能。作为对朱某的救济,朱某可依据他与曹某之间的买卖合同要求承担违约责任。 (4)如果王乙请求人民法院撤销曹某放弃要求赵某支付货款的行为,其主张能得到支持。因为根据合同法的规定,债务人放弃到期债权对债权人造成损害的,债权人可以请求人民法院撤销债务人放弃债权的行为。 如果王乙要求以自己的名义代位请求孙某支付车祸致人损害的赔偿金,其主张不能得到支持,因为该赔偿金是专属于曹某自身的债权,根据合同法的规定,王乙不能行使代位权。[评析] 考查要点是法定继承、二重买卖合同的效力、不动产所有权的变动、债权撤销权和代位权。涉及的,主要法律规定有:《继承法》第11条、《合同法》第51条、第73条、第“条和《合同法解释》第9条。该题涉及的知识点众多,因而难度较大。但只要考生思路清晰,理论功底扎实,是可以将问题回答得圆满的。

     This happened years ago when I was a waitress,but I still remember this specific incident so vividly.As
the end of the night was__1__,ten minutes before our restaurant closed,a gentleman came in.I was the
__2__waitress who got to stay after closing to serve him his food.
     The customer was quite__3__with how his food was prepared.He sent his__4__back twice.When it
eventually arrived to his liking,he__5__some fresh coffee.Meanwhile,my manager and our cooks were
__6__me closely,as they wanted the last customer of the__7__to finally leave so that we could__8__the
shop and go home. At that time I was frustrated and tired.I also knew he would probably not__9__very
well,seeing his inexpensive meal.__10__,I tried to give him good service.
     Then in the last ten minutes,as I was refilling his coffee,I somehow__11__it on the table as well as his
plate.I apologized,but I was__12__to get him another plate of  food as everything was shut down in the
__13__.Knowing  his previous temperament  (性情),I had a certain__14__of how he might react.He
asked to speak to the manager.
     But he__15__shocked me at this point.Instead of__16__to my boss,he simply said,"This young lady's done a fine job.You need to keep her__17__as long as you can!" After  that he paid his bill and left,and I eagerly went home.
     The next morning when I came to work and __18__my tips-you often don't get it till the next day_19__a customer charges it on a credit card-I was__20__that thecustomer had offered a $15 tip for his $8
dinner.People are often much nicer than they look!
( )1. A. darkening  
( )2. A. lucky  
( )3. A. pleased  
( )4. A. order    
( )5. A. changed  
( )6. A. following
( )7. A. day    
( )8. A. turn up  
( )9. A. speak  
( )10. A. Instead  
( )11. A. spread    
( )12. A. eager    
( )13. A. kitchen  
( )14. A. communication
( )15. A. gradually  
( )16. A. explaining
( )17. A. off      
( )18. A. held back  
( )19. A. unless    
( )20. A. convinced  
B. approaching
B. first      
B. familiar    
B. bill        
B. sold        
B. checking    
B. time        
B. close up    
B. behave      
B. Besides    
B. left        
B. willing    
B. rain        
B. expectation
B. requently  
B. apologizing
B. around      
B. brought up  
B. if          
B. learned    
C. leaving    
C. unlucky    
C. interested
C. note      
C. needed    
C. watching  
C. place      
C. set off    
C. tip      
C. Otherwise  
C. spilled    
C. shameful  
C. line      
C. tradition
C. rudely    
C. attending
C. away      
C. picked up  
C. although  
C. told      
D. happening      
D. young          
D. dissatisfied  
D. mail          
D. threw          
D. helping        
D. room          
D. turn off      
D. eat            
D. However        
D. broke          
D. unable        
D. operation      
D. hesitation    
D. really        
D. complaining    
D. out            
D. looked for    
D. in case        
D. reminded