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豫园是上海著名的古典园林,已有400多年的历史。花园设计独特,具有明清两代南方的建筑艺术的风格。园内共有40余景,景色自然迷人,亭台楼阁、假山池塘和谐对称、协调均衡,其布局之精致自古闻名江南。 豫园原为明代一位大官的私家花园,始建于1559年,直到20年后才建成。此后曾几经变迁,屡遭摧残。所幸的是,从1949年上海解放时,园内的主要景点尚完好无损。从1956年开始,豫园经过多次修缮,重现其昔日光彩。



 The Yuyuan Garden is a renowned classical garden located in Shanghai that enjoys a history of over D00 years. With delicate design, it boasts the architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. D0 attractive scenic spots dot the garden, including pavilions, pagodas, ponds and rockeries, with each adding radiance to one another. The Yuyuan Garden tops South China for its delicacy and elegance.  The Garden was originally the private garden of a governor in the Ming Dynasty. Its initial construction started in AEEI, but it was not completed until two decades later. The Garden was repeated destroyed under vicissitudes; fortunately, its major scenic spots remained intact in AIDI when Shanghai was liberated. The Garden regained its splendor after several renovations starting from AIEF.
