问题 多项选择题

1.Passage 1


参考答案:The Chinese have always placed considerable value on education, even more so since the introduction of the one-child policy. The average Chinese household spends AE percent of its income on education, and a study by the China Social Survey Institute found DC percent of families have set up special bank accounts to cover the cost of their children’s education.
Private education has been embraced in China in recent years, and-schools and parents are encouraged to raise funds to cover costs. About a third of the cost of educating a schoolchild today comes from non-government sources.
Competition for university places in China is intense and increasing numbers travel overseas for their tertiary education, especially in Britain. More Chinese students are now educated in Britain than any other country in the West. There are now more than FE,000 Chinese students in the UK, according to the Chinese Embassy in London. Chinese students contribute BE0 million pounds in fees each year to Britain’s universities.
The country has made great strides in the EE years since the founding of the People’s Republic. According to the United Nations, illiteracy levels have fallen from H0 percent in AIDI to under AE percent in B00B.
Even so, it recognizes that more resources are necessary to improve on its UN ranking of A00 out of ABI nations in terms of per-capita education spending.
To improve its performance further, the Chinese government plans to spend D percent of its GDP on education by B0A0, up from B.F percent at the start of the decade.

1.“独生子女”政策 the one-child policy
2.中国社会调查所 China Social Survey Institute
3.中国驻英使馆 Chinese Embassy in London
4.2.5亿英镑 250 million pounds
5.联合国 the United Nations(UN)
6.国内生产总值 GDP
1.中国家庭的平均教育支出约占其收入的15%,而据中国社会调查所的一项研究成果显示,有43%的家庭都设立了专门账户,用来支付孩子的教育费用。原句中连缀前后两句的“而”,实际并不表示意思的转折,因此,译文要选用相应连词and。句子其它部分结构因与英文表达相近,可按原有顺序翻译。因此,原句可译为“The average Chinese household spends 15 percent of its income on education, and a study by the China Social Survey Institute found 43 percent of families have set up special bank accounts to cover the cost of their children’s education.”
中译英时,有时可考虑将内容相关的若干句子合并,以使结构紧凑。该句前后内容都涉及私立学校,因此,可把这两部分用连词and连缀,原句可译为“Private education has been embraced in China in recent years, and schools and parents are encouraged to raise funds to cover costs.”
该句要求将“为……带来……”采用恰当的符合上下文的翻译,即便是口译,也要求译者在正确传递信息的基础上,使译文地道、精彩;此外,要求应试者迅速对文中大额数字作出反应。因此,原句可译为“Chinese students contribute 250 million pounds in fees each year to Britain’s universities.”
翻译时,要注意是否可以将若干句合并的同时,还应重新估量原句的主次顺序,按英文习惯将主要内容放在句首。该句后面一句其实是主要议题,所以,应放在句首。因此,原句可译为“Even so, it recognizes that more resources are necessary to improve on its UN ranking of 100 out of 129 nations in terms of per-capita education spending.”
该句根据内在逻辑结构可合并为一句,将其中一句变为短语形式,分情况可变为介词短语,名词短语非谓语动词等形式。该句根据上下文关系,是表数值上升的变量,因此可使用up from介词短语形式;此外还要注意变量的表达法,如“上升/下降了(by),上升/下降到(to)”等是非常不一样的。因此,原句可译为“To improve its performance further, the Chinese government plans to spend 4 percent of its GDP on education by 2010, up from 2.6 percent at the start of the decade.”
1.重视教育 place considerable value on education
2.中国家庭 Chinese household
3.专门账户 special bank account
4.教育费用 the cost of education
5.在……流行 be embraced in...
6.深造 tertiary education
7.取得巨大的进步 make great strides
8.文盲率 illiteracy level
9.排名 ranking
10.人均教育经费 per-capita education spending
