问题 多项选择题

案例四:案例介绍:一位32岁的妈妈为儿子的问题前来咨询。下面是一段咨询谈话:心理咨询师:请坐,你需要哪方面的帮助? 孩子妈妈:大夫,你一定要管管这个孩子,这孩子太不听话了。心理咨询师:你根据什么说他不听话呢? 孩子妈妈:在学校里,每当老师要求他完成作业时,他就用拳头砸桌子,还在座位上摇晃。在家里,要是让他做作业,他也是大闹,搞得全家不安宁。心理咨询师:一般遇到这种情况,你们会怎么办呢? 孩子妈妈:老师往往会不再要求他写作来了,在家里也只好这样。可是他总是不写作业,这样下去怎么行呢,我真是愁死了。心理咨询师:我知道了你的焦虑,也体会到了你做妈妈的心情。其实孩子的这种表现是有原因的。心理学告诉我们,当孩子从某种行为中得到了好处,这种行为就会被强化。由于孩子只要一闹,就可以不写作业,所以这种乱折腾的行为就得到了强化。 孩子妈妈:喔,原来孩子不听话与我们有关。你讲得很有道理,那么今后我们该怎么办呢?心理咨询师:孩子再闹时,不能让他逃避作业,而是等他安静下来后,仍然要求他必须完成作业。注意,只要有一点进步就要马上给予鼓励。能做到了吗?

案例里所用疗法的基本原理包括( )。







Gratitude means thankfulness, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. It shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. Psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements gained from the practice of gratitude.
Two psychologists, Michael McCollough and Robert Emmons, conducted an experience on gratitude and its effect on well being. The results of the study indicated that daily gratitude exercises resulted in higher reported levels of enthusiasm, determination, optimism, and energy. In addition, those who practiced gratitude experienced less depression and stress, were more likely to help others, worked out problems more regularly, and made greater progress toward achieving personal goals.
Therefore, it's important to practice gratitude. Here are a few reminders.
A common method is to get yourself a cute little notebook and write down 3 - 5 things that you're grateful for at the end of each day. They can be small things, or bigger things.
You can also send a handwritten letter or make a phone call to a person for whom you are thankful, expressing the gratitude. It will surely brighten their day, and in turn, yours.
Besides, for some, it may be a good idea to express their gratitude in person. It doesn't need to be formal. Just a simple gesture of thanks is only needed to feel the benefits of this kind of gratitude.
Finally, there are certain times you can devote to gratitude. For example, at the beginning of your meals, or at bedtime, or when your parents get home from work. Committing to a specific time establishes a practice of gratitude.
Once you become accustomed to looking for things to be grateful for, you will find that you begin to appreciate simple pleasures, which can make a day and even change a life.
Gratitude means being grateful and can help people 小题1:.______ on what they receive instead of what they don't have.
of gratitude exercises
■Feeling more 小题3:.______, optimistic, determined, and energetic.
■Becoming less depressed and stressed, but more willing to be 小题4:.___.
■Working out problems more regularly.
■Achieving your 小题5:.______ goals more easily.
to practise gratitude
■Putting down whatever you feel grateful for every day.
■Writing to or calling whoever you want to 小题7:.______ gratitude to.
■Giving thanks personally in a 小题8:.______ way.
■Devoting a proper 小题9:.______ to gratitude.
■小题10:.     can make you and others happy and even change your life