问题 问答题

案例一:九阳公司山东济南的九阳电器公司是一家生产经营厨房小家电产品的公司。自从 1994 年推出第一台家庭用豆浆机以来,从无到有将豆浆机做成一个年需求近百万台的产业。虽然现在在市场上有了解多家生产豆浆机的企业,但无论从产品性能还是从市场营销上,它们还不能对九阳构成真正的威胁。在国外,往往把一个相对较小的市场中的绝对领先者称为“隐形的冠军”,九阳公司就是我国豆浆机领域的隐形冠军。除了拥有十多项技术专利对外,九阳在市场营销上更为成功。九阳公司是一家中型公司,其遍布全国的营销网络借助了中间商的力量。通过全国 160 多个地区级市场总经销的建设,九阳形成了一整套寻找 和管理经销商的思路。寻找经销商在寻找经销商的时候,九阳看重的不是经销商的实力,而是双方预期合作程度,要谈得来。九阳的销售总经理认为:“大的经销商往往对你的一个小产品并不是很重视,而且你的条件他也不一定接受,他们还会想办法控制生产商。”九阳认为,经销商只有对企业及其产品年产生认同,才能有与企业基本一致的对产品及市场的重视态度,并树立开拓市场扩大销售的信心,将九阳公司的产品作为经营主项。 同时,对企业经营理念的认同有助于经销商与我 iyede 沟通理解,保持步调一致。因此,九阳选择的往往 是中等实力的经销商。“合作的就是好的,双方可以通过产品共同发展起来。”中等实力的经销商往往 可塑性很强,还不成熟。这时九阳与他们合作,由一套成熟的体系供其借鉴。最终这些经销商往往被九 阳的经营理论及价值观过同化。九阳的大多数经销商都是按这种模式成长起来的。销售区域经理 九阳每进一个新的区域市场,并不作大规模的广告轰炸,一是没有那么多钱,二是还有更好的办法。开发各地市场时,销售经理首先对各地报纸进行仔细研究,然后有针对性地进行选择,在某些报纸 上开辟一些宣传豆浆功效的栏目,宣传队豆浆的营养保健功能,使人们自然而然地接受豆浆机。1995 年 开发徐州市场时,5 个月销售台,广告费只花了 3200 元。浙江温州原来没有豆浆消费习惯,九阳进入温州3 年,销售量由最初的 200 台增长到 2800 台,迅速培养起温州人喝豆浆的习惯。这也得益于九阳的市场培 育和广告宣传。九阳对经销商采取竞争淘汰制。1997 年是九阳拥有经销商最好的时候,一共有 200 家。但 1997 年并不是销售量最好,也不是增长最快的年份,1998.1999 年销售增长了,经销商的数量却减少了。随着一些 地区销售额的突破性增长,经销商队伍出现分化,做得不好的经销商会被淘汰。在销售制度上,九阳执行款到发货。但对销售人员来说,受到款意味着销售工作的开始,他们还要 负责宣传支持,负责市场的启动、培训经销商、提供售后服务,等等。九阳至今还是一家中型企业,它开始搭建全国范围内的销售网络时,规模更小,九阳的成功表明了 企业规模不是建立销售网络的门槛。问题:






     We are most often called upon to support others in friendship. Several years ago, Donna had

been feeling very depressed(沮丧的). She had just broken up with her boyfriend of two years,

and she was having a very difficult time accepting the loss. She had been laid up with a knee injury

for several days, and the time alone at home certainly was not helping. Her misery(可怜)was only

increased by her being discouraged at herself for not being able to cheer up and stop crying all the


     Early one morning Donna received a phone call with some terrible news: her best friend's brother

had been killed in a car accident. Donna had known this friend, Mary, and her brother nearly her

entire life, and the news was shocking. However, Donna quickly pulled herself together, got in the

car, and drove to her friend's house to be there with her.

     Over the course of the next few days, when attending the funeral(葬礼) and receiving the hundreds

of visitors, Donna was 100 percent present for Mary. She held her close while she cried her endless

tears, sat by her side as the waves of sadness washed over her friend, and slept on the floor next to

Mary's bed to make sure she did not wake up alone in the middle of the night. During that time she

felt hardly any pain in her knee at all and none of the depression she had been experiencing.

     Several weeks later, when life began to return to normal, Donna realized that the level of support

she had given. Mary had been far greater than any support she had offered herself during her dark

time. She was able to use the support she had given her friend as a mirror for the support she had

been holding back from herself. She realized that her own tears required as much care and attention

from her as anyone else's, and that if she could give it to another, she must be able to give it to herself,


1. The underlined part "pulled herself together" in the second paragraph probably means____

A. put on her clothes

B. dressed herself up  

C. controlled herself

D. enjoyed herself

2. Which of the following orders best describes what happened to Donna?

a. Mary telephoned Donna.b. Donna broke up with her boyfriend.

c. Mary's brother died in a car accident.d. Donna lay in bed with a knee injury.

e. Donna came to be in company with Mary.

A. c-a-b-d-e

B. b-d-a-c-e

C. d-b-c-a-e

D. b-d-c-a-e

3. The most suitable title for this passage is ___________. 

A. Friendship

B. Support

C. Donna's Depression

D. Shocking News

4. From the last paragraph, we can infer that ________________________.   

A. Donna could have supported herself more to reduce her own depression.

B. Donna had given Mary much greater support than she had done herself.

C. Donna paid much attention to and showed lots of care for herself during her dark time.

D. With Donna's help, life began to return to normal.
